Chapter 3 | the newspaper club

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When you entered the club room today, it was already full of the two other members and their two friends who were goofing around with the cameras, much to L's annoyance.

It was your first time meeting Matt and Mello, and you saw what L meant when he said they were rowdy. Mello the werewolf would be roughly 5.7" but with his big boots on he towered over the others, not to mention his ears made him seem taller as well. You also noticed a scar over his eye that looked like it had been stitched up, and that eye was glazed over telling you the sight in said eye was either bad or completely gone. Matt wore welding goggles around his neck, his flaming hair made you a little anxious when he got too close to the stacks of newspapers as he goofed around with Mello, too close and he'd burn them. But you also noticed a literal mini fire extinguisher sticking out of his bag, so he was being safe.

Turns out they were all in Nears grade, having a few classes with him too. Meaning you and L were the oldest ones in the club, a grade above them all.

Sitting around the table the two gatecrashers finally settled down to let the club meeting begin.

"Ok... now that the impromptu photoshoot is over let's figure out this months articles" L began.

"I've already made one to announce the inter-school sport day, and put the notice for seniors to order in their leavers jackets so you can tick that off the list" Near said.

"Thanks, that makes things easier. We need to write an article announcing the changes to the lunch menu and of course we can put the graffiti incident on the front page, we still have a few pages to fill out though, any ideas?"

There was a moment of silence as the group thought about something to fill the pages with, and eventually Matt spoke up.

"Isn't the drama club doing auditions soon?" He asked.

"You're right we should announce that, I'll have to talk with the club leader at lunch..." L said, jotting it down.

"I know, an article about how bogus the new uniform coats are" Mello added.

"They look fine, you're just mad they don't have spikes on the shoulders anymore"

"The spikes were punk as fuck man!"

"And dangerous. Although the uniform changes is a good idea..."

The school only had a few uniform items, and they weren't mandatory. Sport uniforms of course, as well as jackets and school issued backpacks. Other than that you could wear what you wanted as long as it fit into the dress code. Which actually wasn't that bad, it was reasonable and gave the students a lot of freedom. The rules were mainly about wearing things that could be seen as dangerous like spikes on clothes, massive accessories that could poke someone or something that could be used to hide contraband.

"How about we do a page on how to stand out so you get more pictures in the yearbook?" You suggested.

"Not bad, that would be something students like. It's always such a big fuss that yearbook everyone tries to get in as many pictures as they can" Matt replied.

"Agreed, let's add that in. But (y/n), I have a task for you actually" L said.

You raised an eyebrow, wondering what he'd have the newbie do.

"I want you to run the blog. The newspaper is more for school wide events, but the blog is more for smaller student matters. I think you'd be a good fit to run it"

"Oh, really? I mean sure I can do that. I haven't actually read it yet, is it like... gossip?" You asked.

"A little bit, it's partly current student events and partly where others can come to us to ask for announcements to be made. Like if a club leader wants to promote their club they'll come to us and have us post about it. And... yeah there's some gossip to it" L explained.

That didn't seem too hard, and actually pretty fun. Not to mention it was all online so you could do it from anywhere at any time, very convenient.

"Sure I'll run the blog. You two can focus on the paper and I'll handle all the digital stuff" you accepted.

"Thanks, I'll admit I'm not the best at blogging so I found it hard to keep up with. Plus, collecting information that comes in and rumours about the graffiti culprit people send into the blog will greatly help our investigation"

"It's crazy how fast the rumours started going around. It was only a few days ago it showed up and the blogs inbox is already looking like a tip line" Near added.

Gathering evidence through the blog was definitely what you signed up for, you didn't regret joining the club at all.

Hearing the bell go, you rolled your eyes knowing you had science next and had to face the reality of being partnered up today. L groaned in annoyance, not having finished the meeting yet.

"Damnit, ok come back at lunch and we'll finish this. I'll be a few minutes late I have to talk to the drama club leader about those auditions..." L said.

"We got sport rag doll, let's go" Matt said, grabbing his bag and ruffling Nears woollen hair.

"Ugh... I hate sport" he replied, packing his books up.

"I have math, ew. See you in freak-conomics Matt" Mello said, grabbing his bag to leave.

You packed your your things, as did L and he locked the club room door as you both left.

"We're in the same science class right?" You asked.

"Yeah, we have hiss-tory, science and literature together" L replied.

"Good because I completely forgot where the room is so I'm just gonna follow you. And ew I have math next... and Light sits behind me"

L cringed, hating even the mention of the shinigami name.

"May the gods have mercy in your soul" he joked flatly.

As you headed to class you passed the graffiti again, now it was faded as the cleaning staff had tried to remove it only to find it needed much stronger products to do the job. At this rate they'd just have to paint over it. Finally making it to class right on time you sat beside L, who you'd grown a bit closer to since joining the club. Any class you had together you'd sit next to each other now you were friends.

Two seats away was Misa, the other shinigami L had beef with. Next to her one of her friends who seemed to be a sea monster of some kind.

"Hey, Near said Misa is actually nice but really hung up on Light, what's up with that?" You asked.

"She came to the school last year and for some reason fell crazy in love with Light. At first he didn't want anything to do with her but out of nowhere they started dating, I have my suspicions... I think she has something he wants and that's why he's keeping her around. Even stranger he's also oddly close with this werecat called Takada who's only in one of my classes so I don't know much about her. But I think it's some kind of two timing situation" L explained.

"That's... weird. So he's not outright cheating but it definitely seems like he could?"

"Pretty much. I don't understand why people like him, I can see right though his facade. He may be charismatic and smart but he treats his friends like shit... he's the Regina George of monster high but way less iconic"

You snickered at the comparison, from everything you heard it was true. He was mean, but people were too blindsided by his manipulation tactics to realise it.

Hearing the door close you looked to the front of the room, the teacher having just walked in with a cart of supplies for the first experiment of the year.

"Alright class I hope you like who you're sitting with because that's your lab partner for the year" he said.

There were a mix of cheers and groans, some happy to be paired up with their besties and some annoyed to even be paired up at all. You and L looked at each other, now club partners and lab partners. But what made you smile was the fact you weren't just that, but friends too.

L was a pretty cool vampire, as cool as the touch of his long undead skin. But hey you were pretty cold as well, being a ghost and all. You could be cool undead friends together for the rest of school and hopefully forever.

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