Chapter 19 | V's identity

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Today had been a wild one. Still no sign of the werewolf girl, classes were back but the security had amped up even more. No one was allowed outside the building, all the doors had been locked and the alarm system turned on. Roll call was done at the start and end of each class, during lunch and recess several staff members stood guard at the doors to the hallways watching. Bags were checked, lockers were checked, and yet there was still no sign of a weapon, plan, clues, anything.

When you and L woke up that morning you talked about what to do with V's proposal before heading to class. It could be a trap, it could be dangerous. But if it wasn't, it would be invaluable information. So you decided to take the risk, and all precautions necessary. You messaged V back, agreeing to keep their identity secret if they met you in person. And by lunch they'd replied with a time and a place.

11pm, the clock tower at the very top of the school.

You told Mello, Matt and Near that if you didn't message them saying you were safe by midnight then go get help, because something would have gone terribly wrong. And you carried a weapon on you too just in case you had to resort to self defence. As 11pm approached, you phased through the roof and into L's room again like you did last night. You went over the plan one last time and headed out. You had to be sneaky, it was past lights out and there's be staff and nocturnal students all over the hallways. So you opted to go from the outside in.

Climbing out the dorm window, you picked L up tightly and floated your way up the side of the building, making sure to avoid windows and security cameras. L clung to you tightly, a little nervous to be up so high with no safety net or harness to catch him. But you made it safely and you put L down on the small balcony that sat right under the clock face.

The door leading into the maintenance room was locked of course, so you phased through it to unlock it from the inside. Luckily this part of the school was so old and barely ever used it didn't have an alarm hooked up to it, so you were able to unlatch the lock from the inside and open the door to let L in.

The room was dim but lit by the big stained glass windows that let the light in. Around you were several gears that made the clock tick, the giant bell that sounded when the time changed, and several old things the school had put up here for storage.

"Woah... what even is all this stuff?" You pondered, looking around at the dust covered clutter.

"A fire hazard" L replied, noticing all the old papers, books and other flammable items stacked up.

"Well, good thing neither of us are made of fire then"

There were some old banners and flags with the schools old logo folded up, probably used in sport carnivals back in the day. Some old broken desks and chairs, a dented locker, several boxes of old school uniform parts. L noticed some old framed pictures and plaques against the walls all stacked together, curious he began to flip through them.

Head student, prefect and student council plaques from 1890-1920. An old map of the school before it was renovated and more buildings were added, and old sign that once hung over the gym. He pulled back the framed picture, finding a graduating class photo from 1903. It was in grainy black and white, the fashion of the time was completely different and all the names of the students lined a list down the side.

"Wow this is old as- is that Dracula?" L muttered.

You walked over to see for yourself and saw a much younger version of the famous vampire, still rocking the popped collar though.

"Wow that is old as hell, you know his daughter is in our year group?" You said.

"No way, really? Mustn't have any classes with her, never met her" he replied.

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