Chapter 7 | disappearance

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Something was seriously off today, the day after the sport carnival was always a pretty hyped one because the teams got to flex their wins on the other students. But something was different this time, you could feel it. And apparently so could everyone else because there was a quiet gossipy chatter in the hallways.

"(Y/n), there you are. Do you know what's going on?"

You jumped hearing L's voice behind you. How was he so quiet? He can't even float surely you'd hear his footsteps.

"Oh, no I have no idea" you replied.

"I think the assembly will have to do with the graffiti thing" he replied.

"Wait assembly? I didn't hear about that?"

Apparently you were just out of the loop, probably because you only just woke up and still weren't fully awake yet.

"Apparently there's going to be-"

Before he could finish, the PA system came on and the voice of the headmistress told all students bodies to report to the gym immediately. You and L looked at each other, confused but intrigued. Something was definitely up. This must be going into first period, because you should be in class right now. At least you didn't have to do math today then.

As the students filed into the gym, you noticed something else was different. Teachers were at the doors checking everyone off, going down the class lists and making sure everyone was accounted for. That didn't usually happen...

You sat toward the back of the bleachers with L, the chatter amongst the students just continued to get more confused. What the hell was going on? Weird atmosphere, surprise assembly, gossip? Once everyone was seated and the teachers had confirmed everyone was accounted for, the gym fell silent as the head mistress stepped up. And to everyone's surprise, there were two police officers behind her.

"Alright, I'm sure you're all wondering what's happening. This is a serious situation and I will not be repeating myself. Yesterday at our sport carnival, one of our students went missing" she began.

L grabbed your lower thigh in surprise, and you replied by grabbing his arm. The two of you silently conveying that you knew something bad was happening at the school ever since that graffiti.

"We have reason to believe it is linked to the graffiti incident, the student in question is Mr. Jackal from class 3-B. He was last seen at lunch, he went to refill his water bottle and never came back. If anyone has any information they are urged to come forward" the headmistress explained.

L leaned closer to you to whisper in your ear.

"The Hyde kid? You think 'unclean' meant people with human blood?" He pointed out.

"Oh shit you might be right... if this guy is some kind of monster purist then unclean could totally be anyone who's half human or WAS human" you replied.

This was alarming, not just because someone went missing but because it could have some kind of species discrimination undertones to it. If that was the case any half human or previously human monster would have to watch their back. Including you, you've been a ghost for a very long time now but you were once a living human. And L as well, while some vampires are born that way due to having two vampire parents, some were bitten and that's how they turned. L was human once, but was bitten and ended up a vampire.

"Obviously this is a very serious situation, know that the person responsible for this will be dealt with by both the school and the police. We currently don't know the whereabouts of Mr. Jackal, but will keep you all updated as the case progresses. Once again, anyone who knows anything is urged to come forward. You will not get in trouble unless of course you had something to do with the disappearance" the headmistress said.

There was some soft chatter among the students everyone on the edge of their seats. A student in your year level has just vanished into thin air, only weeks after a mysterious graffiti message is scrawled on the school calling people unclean. It seemed to have some discriminating undertones to it, which was even more alarming. This could be a targeted attack, and possibly more could be planned.

"We didn't see anything out of the ordinary at the carnival, we sat and watched all day! Either this guy is super sneaky or straight up invisible" you muttered.

"V warned us that it would be sneaky and we may not catch it , but shit. They weren't joking" L replied.

You had to sit and listen to a long talk about safety, reporting anything you saw and some changes that would be made to the school to prevent this from happening again. The gates would be locked at all times now, if you had to leave the school for whatever reason a staff member had to escort you. There'd be police patrolling the area around the school 24/7. And of course, curfews were stricter. You had to be in class on time no excuses, in the dorms on time no excuses. And in your dorm at lights out on time, no excuses.

They also provided extra time with the school councillor if people needed it, since this was definitely a scary situation. You may all be monsters with powers but there was to telling what could happen at this point in the case.

If a Hyde with the power to transform into a monster with pretty intense powers could go missing so could anyone.

When the assembly was dismissed everyone was sent back to class, it being second period now. Heading to hiss-tory you and L were more focused on the possibilities of this strange situation rather than your project on ancient Egypt.

"Should we tell the head mistress about the message from V?" You asked.

"We should, although she'll probably grill us not doing it earlier" L sighed.

"In our defence we didn't think THIS was going to happen"

Someone among the student body was actively disappearing their fellow students, it could be anyone. It could be the guy who sits next to you in class, the girl who passes you in the hall, the kid making way too much noise down the hall of dorms. Their motive? Unclear. How they got away with it? Unclear. Your nerves? Significantly raised.

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