Chapter 29 | strike

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You were practically staring at the clock, watching its hands tick by waiting for the time to come. And as soon as it hit 8 o'clock and the dinner announcement played over the PA system you were immediately to your feet and off to the club room to meet up with everyone. As you headed down the halls, you walked past Misa who just gave you a nod as you passed each other.

It was time, time to put and end to this whole mess once and for all.

Slipping out of the hall and into the clubroom, the rest of the group soon followed. No one was wasting time here, it was a whole life on the line tonight. In the time it took for everyone to meet head from their dorms down the hall and into the club room, a good 5 minutes had passed and by now everyone would be starting to get their food.

"Alright, everyone ready?" You asked.

"Ready. Time check?" L replied.

Matt looked at his phone clock, checking the time.

"We got five minutes before they get into position" he said.

"Got the camera?" Mello double checked.

"Got it, fresh SD card and everything"

Matt took the camera from his bag, turning it on and holding his finger over the record button ready to go at any moment.

"Deuce you ready?" L asked.

"You bet. Took the safety chain off my glasses and everything" he replied.

"Alright, it's time. He's not getting another drop of blood from anyone anymore..."

You waited a few more minutes watching as the hallways emptied and everyone was off in the mess hall for dinner. The coast was clear and you slipped out of the club room and down to the staircase where you saw Misa keeping watch in her position. The two of you exchanged glances and silently she let you past, in on the plan herself. Quietly you and the group crept down the stairs and hid behind the railing, high enough you were out of sight to those below but you could still see what was happening below you.

Matt began to record, pointing the camera down through the slight gaps in the railing and toward the spot just under the stairs by the exit doors. Everyone kept dead silent, listening for movement. You checked the time, 8:15. Dinner would have well and truly started by now. In the distance you could hear footsteps and a slight wheezing breath. Lights plan was to get the vampire girl out of the hall alone by sneaking some garlic into her food so she'd have a slight reaction and leave to the nurse, and from the wheezing breath it seems to have worked.

You watched as the younger student rounded the corner and from just behind the staircase at the bottom Light peeked out. Almost time...

She'd have to walk past the staircase to get to the nurse, and that's when Light would strike. Jumping out and grabbing her to drag her out that side door and into the woods. In the one small blind spot in the camera system. He'd really thought this out, you'd give him that. But he failed to think about the fact someone in his group could turn on him, and he'd be fucked. He was so overconfident in his manipulative ways he failed to realise that his own girlfriend was starting to resent him.

It  was all thanks to Misa you could do this.

"Ok, get ready" you whispered.

Deuce put took hold of his glasses, ready to pull them off the second it was time. He kept his eyes locked on Light, following his every small movement in his hiding spot.

As the young vampire got closer, she went to turn the corner and just as her back was turned Light pounced into action.

"NOW!" L announced.

Monster Heart (L x Reader) • Death Note Monster High AU Where stories live. Discover now