Chapter 15 | scolded

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Aizawa seethed, glaring down at the three of you sitting in his office. Light was stupid enough to forget how much the security had amped up since the killing and Aizawa was able to look at the security cameras in the hall and get the whole picture.

"What on EARTH were you thinking Light? You know full well garlic can kill a vampire. Your father is going to be VERY angry with you for this stunt" Aizawa said.

"He started it!" Light snapped.

"HOW?! How did I start it?! You put that shit on my locker!" L snapped back.


Aizawa rubbed his temples in frustration and sat at his desk.

"(Y/n) I understand why you jumped in to defend L but next time, don't go so wild. Find a staff member and if you absolutely have to just try and push them away from each other. All those books in your bag could have seriously hurt him" Aizawa said.

"How can I get him away from L without attacking him? He'd just throw me aside if I tried to push them apart, he's way taller than me" you replied.

"Look, I get it. Usually I wouldn't condone people jumping into already violent fights but given the allergy attack involved I get why you needed to pull them apart and get L medical attention ASAP. Just don't do it again ok?"

"...fine. Light better get punished for this though"

Aizawa turned to L next, able to see all the rashes and burns on his neck that trailed up from his back. It was clear L was the victim here, usually a teacher would put both people involved in the fight into detention for egging each other on. But this was obviously a different situation.

"Should we get you to a hospital? Or are you ok?" Aizawa asked.

"I washed it off and took my medicine in time, I'm ok. Just sore" L replied.

"What started this, (y/n), you tell me so they don't fight over it"

You may be a little biased toward L's side, but it was better you explain than they did as they'd likely try and throw each other under the bus by embellishing it.

"Apparently L was texting Lights girlfriend, but that's a lie because he doesn't even have Misa's number and he's MY boyfriend. Someone sent Light fake screenshots to either stir their already boiling drama up or to try and get Misa and Light to break up" you explained.

"Fake? They aren't fake! he's-" Light began.

"YAGAMI" Aizawa cut him off.

Light sighed angrily and sat back in his seat.

"What even caused you two to hate each other in the first place? This has been going on since last year" Aizawa asked.

"Lights petty that I took his spot for top of the class. He's convinced I'm trying to copy everything he does" L scoffed.

"You are, you're always-" Light tried to say.

"Light for god sakes. Let them talk" Aizawa cut him off again.

Light clearly still had some fight in him, even with the bruises L managed to land on him.

"Both of you, show me your phones. We can settle this messages thing right here at least" Aizawa said.

L happily opened up his contacts, containing only you and the other club members, his dad and some of the other orphanage staff and Frankie from the other day.

Light pulled up the faked screenshots, and Aizawa looked through everything seeming unconvinced.

"I don't think I've ever heard L say 'babe'' he commented.

"Exactly, because I don't. I don't know who made those screenshots but they're fake. I literally don't even have Misa's number" L said.

"You probably deleted it knowing you'd get busted" Light glared.

"Plug my phone in and rip the data. I have nothing to hide, it's literally just school stuff, my foster family and pictures of me holding weird stuff up to make it look like it's floating"

L did get a kick out of the fact he didn't show up in photos you'd give him that. Aizawa took L's confidence in saying they could even rip the data from his phone as proof that L never even had Misa's number.

"Light I get why you'd get aggressive, it is your girlfriend after all. But you need to make sure things are real before flying off the handle. And overreacting this badly up to the point you could have killed him is absolutely unacceptable. Who sent you these?" Aizawa asked.

L didn't want to reveal his sources in front of his rival, but he was also in front of a teacher who was besties with his dad.

"Mikami..." he admitted.

Who? You'd never even met this guy.

"Him? You believed him?" L sassed.

"He's reliable" Light replied.

"Apparently not"

"Shhh- don't start this. I don't know why he'd make this up or if he got it from someone else, but this isn't good enough proof. Your dad was a cop Light, you should know this. I'll have to talk to him about what to do with you for this stunt. As for you two..." Aizawa said, turning to you and L.

L glared at Light, his skin still stinging from the garlic oil even though the reaction had started to die down. He'd be stuck with those rashes for a while.

"L, you go back to your dorm and make sure that reaction doesn't get any worse. If it does get the nurse to get it to hospital. I'll call your dad and inform him of what happened. And (y/n), go back to class and tell the teachers why L's taking the day off. I'll deal with Light" He explained.

"WHAT?! Why doesn't he get punished for bashing me up?!" Light snapped.

"It was self defence and you know it. Get your thong out of your ass Light" you snapped back.

"(Y/n), don't push your luck" Aizawa sighed.

You and L got up, dismissed from the office and able to leave. You decided to walk L back to the dorms before going back to class, still angry about everything.

"His dad will be so pissed at him" you snickered.

"I don't know why he thought that was a good idea, maybe he's going crazy" L replied.

"I hope he gets suspended or something"

L took your hand, a little nervous about it. You gladly accepted the gesture and intertwined his fingers with yours.

"Thank you for defending me" he said.

"It's fine L, you don't deserve that. Lights a dick" you replied.

"... I love you (y/n)"

That was still a new thing to hear, you weren't used it it. But you could definitely get very used to it very quickly. You gave him a smile, and a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too L"

Reaching his dorm, you had to part ways and head back to class.

"I'll come back after class ok? Take it easy" you said.

"I will, I'll keep investigating" he replied.

"I'll get all the club stuff done with Near at lunch so don't worry about that. I'll see you soon"

You turned to leave, but he grabbed you by the wrist and stopped you before you could go. You turned to face him, giving him a head tilt. His cheeks were dusted with blush and he gathered up the confidence to pull you into a quick kiss. He was so cute, for someone so confident in his academics and club leadership skills we was so shy about relationships.

You gave him a smile, and leaned up to kiss him. Only this one, you placed on his neck where his bite scars were. It only made him blush even more.

"I'll see you after class heart sucker"

Monster Heart (L x Reader) • Death Note Monster High AU Where stories live. Discover now