Chapter 28 | todays the day

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A/n: we're approaching the climax, this book is slightly shorter than my usual ones since it's a pretty straight forward AU. But don't worry, there's already a height anticipated L book in the works for after this one.

As soon as that bell rang and classes ended for the day, you immediately rushed to the club room. Today was the day, the day Light planned his next kill.

You had 4 hours until dinner when he planned to strike, that meant 4 hours to mentally prepare yourself and talk final preparation with the club. Everyone was pretty quick to the club room today, and there was no goofing around from Matt and Mello for once too. They knew this was serious.

"Ok, 4 hours. We'll go over it one last ti- wait where's Deuce?" L began.

Looking around you noticed your helper wasn't here yet, although you did recall he had physical education last period so he'd be on the other side of the school, not unusual to be a bit late.

"He'll be here in a minute, probably changing out of the sport uniform" Matt said.

"I hate to be that guy but... do we have any plans if we get caught?" Near spoke up.

It was silent a moment, in truth you didn't even think about that. You were so focused on coming up with the initial plan in the first place, and then got sidetracked with all the Mikami stuff. If Deuce couldn't manage to petrify Light, and you got caught what would you do?

"Well... there's 5 of us and only one of him" Mello said.

"But his minions are keeping watch of the hallways remember? He could call for them and then it's 4 vs 5. Misa would have to fight against us to seem like she didn't betray Light" Near replied.

"Yes but if he called for them and made too much noise it'd alert staff and he'd be caught. So I doubt he'd do that" L added.

You all pondered for a moment, what could you do to fight him off? Someone who would have a weapon on him, and knew the names of all of you and course use his death note on Matt and Mello who weren't already undead beings.

"Matt could burn him?" You suggested.

"I don't wanna get arrested for attempted murder myself man" he replied.

"You wouldn't, it'd be self defence since he has a weapon and was clearly trying to kill" L said.

Matt and Mello were probably your best defence, Matt can burn anything he touches and Mello can put up one hell of a fight with his claws and harsh bite. If push came to shove Deuce could have his snakes poison people too.

You didn't have any powers that could harm someone, and while L could fight all he had was a blood sucking bite when it came to vampire self defence. He really didn't want to do that though, Light would end up a half shinigami-vampire if he did that. Also he just didn't want to have to put his mouth anywhere near the guy.

Near? He was literally a living doll. He didn't have any power apart from just being alive. He could poke someone with a sewing needle and that's about it.

"I mean, if I had to I could" Matt shrugged.

"I can claw the guy up if push came to shove" Mello added.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that. I don't feel like being exorcised thank you..." you said.

Hearing the door open, your helper finally arrived. As expected a little late from phys ed class.

"Sorry broskis, had to change" he said.

"Figured" L replied.

He sat down, now everyone was here you could all go over things one more time.

"Alright, we all agree on meeting back here at 6:30 and from there we can put everything into action?" L asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Alright, with everything Misa told us we know exactly when and where this is all going down. We wait for Lights little gang to get into their places and Misa will let us sneak past from her spot in the hall. We creep down the staircase and stay hidden behind the railing. We'll have a birds eye view, Matt, you record everything. And right as he's about to swing at her, Deuce you freeze him" L explained.

"Can do, the time people stay under my power can vary but the average is about an hour. That'll be plenty of time right?" Deuce asked.

"That's more than enough. Once he's frozen, Near you run back up the stairs to get a teacher and have them call in the police. Mello you make sure the victim is out of the way and safe. Misa and Takada probably won't react but Mikami will, me and (y/n) will stop him from getting anywhere near the scene until staff arrive" L continued.

The plan seemed solid, you'd all be thinking about it and preparing for weeks now. There was no way it could go wrong. But if something did go wrong it'd also kind of work in your favour anyway. All the ruckus would get staff attention and they'd find out anyway. But it was better to avoid that so no one got hurt in the process apart from Light.

"I'll admit, I'm kind of nervous but this should work" Mello said.

"Same, but we have the upper hand thanks to Misa leaking all this information to us. It'll work" Matt replied.

All you had to do was wait. Wait those gruelling 4 hours until dinner, anticipating the wildest stunt you'd ever pulled and hoping things went well. You also hoped that when Light was caught the investigation would unravel everything going on in that group, that the blackmail against Misa would be destroyed and you'd get some answers about what the fuck was up with Mikami and those creepy pictures.

But for now all you could do was wait, wait those damn 4 hours.

Monster Heart (L x Reader) • Death Note Monster High AU Where stories live. Discover now