Chapter 25 | concerning

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Misa being your whistle blower was here ticket out of this mess without those tapes being leaked to the whole school. She was in a tough position, she couldn't get caught helping you or Light would definitely rage at her. But she didn't want to be involved in this plan of his any longer.

So when she got a message from him to meet up with the group after dark, she groaned in annoyance. But to seem like she wasn't secretly turning on him, she showed up. Late at night, in her pyjamas and overtired yet again. The others were there too, clearly this was some kind of netting about the next killing he had planned.

"Where the hell is he? I want to go to bed..." Misa yawned.

"Don't ask me, he just said to meet here" Takada replied, also tired.

The girls waited, just outside the schools property where they usually met. No sign of the boys yet.

"Hey... you think the cops will figure everything out?" Takada asked.

In her mind she was saying yes, she knew you were planning something with L to catch Light and hand the evidence over. But obviously, she couldn't reveal that.

"No idea... honestly if he keeps getting too cocky maybe" Misa replied.

Takada sighed, her tail twitched as she tapped her feet clearly frustrated with waiting out in the cold night.

"What are we doing Misa? Why are we still going along with this?" She sighed.

Misa was silent for a moment, processing that. Was... was Takada starting to come to her senses? Was she done with this whole thing as well?

"Because we can't back out now... he has blackmail on both of us" Misa muttered.

"I know you don't wanna talk about it, but... just know whatever he has on you, I won't judge" Takada said.

"I know it's just... I'd rather not think about it. What does he have on you? If you're ok with sharing?"

"I stupidly told him I have an fake ID... I only have it because I needed it to enrol and I couldn't get a real one for uh... reasons"

Misa wouldn't pry, she could tell it was a complicated situation. The fact she was using it to go to school get an education meant she clearly didn't have any bad intentions. She knew sometimes circumstances got dire in life...

"Fuck... you'd get expelled. Or worse..." Misa said.

"I know, I can't do anything. But I genuinely thought he was only fantasising when he'd go in about killing human borns and half humans. Damn him and his manipulative ways, he strung me along..." Takada sighed.

"Tell me about it... clearly he only wants me around for my eye. I don't doubt he'll try and use it in one of his plans at some point. You... you're not on board with all this?"

"No... I kind of just went along with it because I was in love with him... but now he's shown his true colours all those feelings are gone"

So it seems the girls were on the same page, Light had used their affections to manipulate them into siding with him. He dated Misa just to use her, and lead Takada on to use her too. Before they could continue the conversation, they heard the sounds of the boys approaching, and they finally arrived at the meeting spot.

"Took you long enough" Takada said.

"I had to get something" Light replied.

On his shoulder was his school bag, emptied of school supplies and full of something else.

"We snuck out for a bit, gathered some stuff" Mikami added.

"Where to?" Misa asked.

"I know I guy" Light replied.

Misa was curious about what was in the bag, she couldn't help but eye it down trying to make it the shape the objects inside it made.

"Ok, listen up. This next kill will be tricky, you already know the broad strokes from last time but here's my updates. All the extra security means we have to be really careful so as we discussed I'll lead. I need you guys to be diversions, if anyone starts heading in the direction of the stairwell, I need you girls to divert them away" Light explained.

Actually, that was a good thing for you. If Misa was the one standing watch, she could allow you to sneak past and get into position to ambush him no problem. If it were Mikami you'd have to find a way to avoid detection.

"Ok... that sounds easy" Misa said.

"Takada you'll be at the top of the stairs, Misa you'll be at the bottom but a little further away so no one sees anything. And Mikami, you wait by the back gate so you can help me drag that bitch vampire out into the woods. No doubt she'll try and fight me off" Light continued.

"Of course, you can count on me" Mikami replied.

"Remember, Wednesday the fourth at dinner. Don't be late"

Misa was determined to find out what he'd gone to collect in that bag, she wasn't stopping until she had the answers. But she couldn't just ask, he'd zipped up the bag and was holding it protectively for a reason. Clearly it was meant to be kept secret. Thinking quickly, she made up an excuse to get into his dorm and look around.

"Oh, Light... I uh... think I left my fear leading shoes in your dorm. Can I come check tomorrow morning?" She asked.

"Ugh, again? Fine. I'll be awake by like 7... everyone understand the plan?" Light said.

The group nodded in agreement, and with their little meeting over they all went back to their dorms for the night to sleep. Although Misa couldn't stop thinking about what was in that bag... and who the hell did he get this clearly suspicious item from? Mikami went with him too, what's up with that?

The next morning she was up early, got ready and was at his dorm door by 7:30, only 30 minutes until classes started for the day. She knocked, Light letting her in while he was still getting ready.

"Don't tear my room apart" he said, still brushing his sharp teeth.

"Yeah, I won't" she replied.

She waited until he was out of eye shot in the bathroom, and quickly grabbed his bag to open it and look through it. Only to find he's replaced whatever was in there with his school work already. She looked around, for anything out of the ordinary or different. She quickly and quietly checked in cupboards and drawers, in jacket pockets and under the bed.

"How do you keep forgetting your fear shoes anyway? You need them like every day" Light asked from the bathroom.

"They're uncomfortable, I take them off as soon as I'm done with them" Misa replied, trying to sound normal and not suspicious.

Whenever Light came back into his room to grab something she'd quickly start digging through the shoe rack to look like she was actually here for her shoes. She had actually left things in his room before, so Light didn't find it suspicious she was looking for her stuff.

He grabbed a hairbrush, heading back into the bathroom to use the mirror and Misa quickly went back to searching for this mysterious item. Finally she spotted something she hadn't seen before, under the small gap between the floor and cupboard. Something shiny, the light was reflecting off.

She pulled it out, finding a glass bottle full of something liquid. She was confused for a moment before she realised what it was. Holy water. Her blood ran cold, that was super dangerous for several monsters... especially ghosts.

One drop of that on a ghost and it'd burn like hell, a whole bottle would be enough to exorcise one... killing them for good. She wasn't surprised he wanted to use this to kill someone, he'd already killed 2 people and was planning a third. It was the fact she knew of a ghost who would absolutely be on his hit list...


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