Chapter 27 | on edge

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The news L had to tell you was the last thing you wanted to hear. You were next on Light's hit list? That wasn't scary at all...

Ok, it was terrifying.

Just the thought all he had to do was splash that holy water on you and watch you burn up was terrifying. All night and all day since L told you yesterday you'd been on edge, even though logically you knew he wasn't focused on offing you yet. It was only a week until his plan to kill Anna was underway, you and the club with the help of Deuce were ready to pull off that counter attack. But just knowing that if you failed, you'd be next on the chopping block was terrifying.

So when you were heading back to your dorm after class and heard Lights voice down the hall, your immediate reaction was to hide. You slipped through the wall, hiding inside it. It was kind of gross in the dusty scaffolding that held up the building but it was better than running into Light. You stayed silent, listening for him to pass by. But as his voice got closer you noticed he was talking to someone, the voice you knew was Mikami's. Despite your fear, you listened in.

"I'm ready for next week, promise" Mikami said.

"Good, we can't fuck this up. The security is much tighter..." Light replied, keeping his voice down.

"It'll work, I know it will. All your plans have worked so far, and no one is even close to figuring out it's us behind it"

"I intent to keep it that way..."

We're they actually dumb enough to discuss this in the halls? Sure the halls were pretty empty at the moment but still...

As they passed by, you stuck your head out of the wall to see where they were heading. They turned to head down the stairs, and you decided to put your fear aside and follow them. If they were talking about it in broad daylight, they must be planning something... You kept yourself hidden as you followed, using your ability to walk through walls to your advantage.

"The bitch won't know what hit her" Light snickered.

"Vermin like her deserve to die anyway. Filthy human borns..." Mikami replied.

"All vampires like her should die, especially L that bastard..."

"L and his ghoul toy"

"Oh don't worry, (y/n) has their name on my list too..."

You tensed up, biting your tongue to keep yourself quiet and not freak out too hard hearing those words.

"So (y/n), then L?" Mikami asked.

"No, it'll be too obvious it's me if the people that I have the most beef with die so close together. (Y/n), a few others and then L... and that punk looking werewolf that hangs out with them" light replied.

He wanted you and L dead, unsurprisingly. But Mello too? Looks like the only ones safe were Matt and Near since they don't have any human blood in them. Although you wouldn't put it last Light to kill them too just for being associated with you and L. You continued to follow them from within the walls even as your hands shook hearing their plans to kill you and those you cared for.

"Isn't that guy on the team?" Mikami asked.

"Mello? Yeah.  He and the flame guy Matt are on the casket ball team. No idea how they got on it, they suck" Light replied.

That was a lie, they were some of the best on the team. How Light got on you had no idea, he was the one that sucked. Although he does have 'my daddy is a staff member' privileges.

"Anyway, you know the plan. Don't mess it up. We have a week until it's time, prepare yourself" Light said.

"I will, see you a dinner" Mikami replied.

You peeked through the wall to see where they were going, Light was off toward the dorms and Mikami had stopped at his locker. The hallway was almost completely empty now classes were over for the day. Everyone either in their club rooms or in their dorm. You decided to stay and watch Mikami rather than follow Light, you knew what Light would be doing anyway. You watched as Mikami put his books back in the locker, and he looked around for anyone that may see him before he took the envelope of pictures of Light he had behind the whiteboard on the inside of the locker door.

You had a feeling you didn't want to know what he was doing with those pictures, but you were also morbidly curious.

He took something from his bag and slipped it into the envelope, most likely more creepy pictures he'd taken recently. He slipped the envelope back into its hiding spot and picked up the whiteboard marker from the shelf of his locker. He scribbled something on the whiteboard, and you shifted your position slightly to see better.

Get candles.

Candles? What did he need them for? We're they even allowed on school grounds?

He closed his locker and headed off to his dorm. Clearly that was all you were getting out of this spying session, so when he was gone you stepped back out of the wall and brushed the dust off your outfit. Jesus everything that duo did was sketchy... it made your skin crawl. Well... if you had proper skin it would be crawling. You were kind of made of ghost stuff.

Heading back to your dorm you dumped your bag on the ground and flung yourself face first into the bed. What the fuck had become of this school year? You were just trying to finish your education and connected with more monsters, now you were a target for a serial killer.

As you pondered on all the information you'd gathered, and admittedly felt your anxiety growing the more you realised how much danger you could be in you suddenly remembered something.

The writing on the back of Mikamis photos, several of them said things like 'my lord' and 'saviour'. All phrases used to address gods, and if he was collecting pictures and needing to get candles..?

"Oh my god- is he actually delusional enough to think Light is a god?" You muttered.

Was he planning to make a shrine or something? Perform some kind of ritual? What the fuck was going on?

"Jesus what is happening..." you sighed.

You were at a point where you were just so exhausted with everything that'd happened, you were dying for it to be over. This plan of turning Light to stone better work, because if it didn't... you had no idea how you were going to survive this.

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