Chapter 26 | warning

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Looking around the corner, Misa didn't see any sign of Light or his crew. Good, she could do this quickly without being spotted. She rushed up to L who'd just closed his locker, and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Hey- what the-" he said, caught off guard.

"We need to talk, NOW" Misa replied, guiding him around the corner and into the nearest club room.

They ended up in the music club, which was empty as the moment as it was only in between classes. They had at least 5 minutes to talk and get to class on time.

"What is going on?" L asked, rather confused.

"Ok I was in Lights room, looking for any extra information and well... I found something" Misa said.

L perked up, eager to hear what she had to say. The more information the better the plan could go and they'd be able to stop Light sooner.

"So... he has a vile of holy water-"

"HOLY water? How'd he get his hands on that?" L cut her off.

"No idea, he was with Mikami when he got it though"

Interesting... whatever was going on with Light and Mikami was definitely suspect. They were running deadly errands together, we're in on the same murder plan AND Mikami had all those stalker photos of Light...

"L think about it. Holy water is deadly to ghosts, and who is a ghost and would be on his hit list?" Misa said.

In an instant it clicked on L's mind, and he immediately began to internally panic. You? He was going to kill you? He couldn't say he was surprised but he was definitely alarmed, and enraged that Light would even THINK about harming you.

"(Y/n)... that bastard, that fucking bastard! He's not only doing this to further his stupid agenda he's doing it because he knows it'll hurt me..." L muttered.

"Exactly. I think (y/n) is next on his hit list. As long as you can stop him before then, they'll be safe. You really need to make this plan work, if it doesn't not only will Anna die but hell target (y/n) next!" Misa explained.

L was silent for a moment, fuming with rage. Light already tried to kill him with that garlic stunt, and now he wanted to try and exorcise you? Not just because you were born human but because you were his significant other. Light knew that if you died, it'd hurt L. And that's what he wanted, to hurt L. To watch him suffer before attempting to kill L himself.

"I want to drain that man's blood... it's bad enough he's killing anyone with human blood for some kind of sick mission of his, but blackmailing you, beating me up AND plotting to kill MY (y/n)? How the fuck has his dad not found out about any of this yet?" L seethed.

"Because he's good at playing innocent and manipulating people. He did get in trouble for beating you up, but everything else? He's just that good at hiding his true nature..." Misa sighed.

L pondered on this information, did he tell you? If he did you might panic and spiral into a state of fear. If he didn't, you may feel betrayed he didn't tell you. He didn't know what to do, both options didn't change the risk to your safety, you were at risk either way.

"Listen I gotta get to class before anyone realises I'm taking too long and seem suspicious, if I find anything else out I'll message you" Misa said.

"Ok..." L replied.

Misa slipped out of the club room unnoticed, and L followed a moment later hoping to make it seem like they weren't talking in there, just happened to be in there at the same time. His mind raced, you were the next target if the plain failed? What the hell was he meant to do?

"L! Dude!"

He snapped out of his daze, looking up to see the gorgon the club has unlisted for help heading in his direction. He had his hand up for the bro high five but lowered it when he saw L was clearly distressed.

"You good bro?" Deuce asked.

L grabbed him by the hoodie string and dragged him between some lockers.

"Listen, this plan NEEDS to work. I don't wanna seem like I'm pressuring you or anything but if it doesn't not only will the next target die but... but Light has holy water, he's going to target (y/n) next" L said.

"Your- bro your fucking partner? He's gonna try and exorcise your partner?" The gorgon said, exasperated.

"Yeah, so we really need to stop this murder. We've got all the details and we know when it's going to happen. After school come to the club room and we'll fill you in. As long as you can turn that fucker to stone everything will be ok"

Behind the sunglasses that shielded his petrifying eyes, Deuce looked angry. A pissed off hiss rang from his snakes.

"Dude I fucking hate this guy. A killer, is blackmailing his girlfriend AND trying to kill your main squeeze? Not cool" he hissed.

L would admit, his almost surfer like speech patterns made him a bit hard to take seriously sometimes. But the hissing snakes and the fact all it'd take was those sunglasses coming off was a quick reminder to indeed take him seriously. And it was clear from the get go that Deuce was very protective of relationships, his own and other peoples.

"I don't want you to feel pressured or anything but-" L said.

"Nah, I got it man. You can count on my eyes" Deuce replied.

The bell rang, the next class starting.

"Gotta go, I'll be at the club after school" he said.

"Thanks, see you then" L replied.

The two parted ways and L walked to class still debating weather or not to tell you about the risk you were under. Sitting beside you, having to do a lab experiment today with you he could barely pay attention to the instructions.

"You good? You seem dazed"

Your voice snapped him from his trance and he found you handing him a pair of safety goggles for this practical. He took them, putting them on and looking down at the instruction paper in front of him.

"I'll be honest... no" he sighed.

"Aw... what's wrong hun?" You replied, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Just the feeling of that gentle, reassuring touch and the sound of your voice genuinely worried for his well-being was enough to make his heart ache. He couldn't loose you, he couldn't... you genuinely cared for him, he loved you to death.

"I... can't explain right now. Not in class, in the club room..." he said.

"Ok, just focus on our work for now. Don't wanna accidentally blow up the lab" you replied.

"I'll try..."

You gave him a warm smile, reassuring him that whatever he was worrying about, it'd be ok. Leaning in your gave him a peck on the cheek and made him blush with a slight smile.

"Hey! None of that in class please" the teacher stopped you.

"Sorry sir..." you rolled your eyes.

Can't a ghoul kiss their boyfriend on the cheek around here? It's not like you were sucking his dick in the middle of class or anything, damn. L rolled his eyes at the teacher too, and turned to give you a weary smile.

"Just know that... I'll do everything I can to keep you safe ok? I love you..." he said.

"I love you too, now let's make some chemistry puns and not blow up the lab"

Monster Heart (L x Reader) • Death Note Monster High AU Where stories live. Discover now