Chapter 20 | wild idea

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The week had been harsh, over the weekend the latest body was found in the woods. Again it was butchered, the killing blow being a steak in the heart. Understandably many were scared and upset, classes weren't off for a few days. And it's even gotten to the point parents are pulling their kids out of school out of fear they'll be the next victim. You didn't blame them, two deaths so close together? And a culprit who clear knows the school's layout and timetables? That was scary.

Police has been crawling the area, the hallways felt like a fortress with all the extra security. All you needed was something solid, a really good bit of evidence that's ensure Light is found guilty. You needed to catch him in the act, or get something with his DNA on it.

You found yourself pacing around the club room, Matt and Mello doodling in the whiteboard as you did. L and Near were on their way after class, and you'd all discuss a way to get this case solved.

"Dude your pacing is so annoying, chill" Matt said.

"Sorry, zoned out I guess..." you replied.

"Bro you can literally float"

"Oh yeah..."

So deep in thought you literally forgot your own abilities... that just goes to show how much this was getting to you.

"You know L's gonna be pissed off you're drawing badly drawn dicks all over the whiteboard" you said.

The boys just snickered. They'd gotten told off for drawing on the whiteboard before, they thought I'd be funny to cover it in that graffiti style S all the school kids tagged all over their books. L told them to knock it off and that the board was meant for club activities only. That didn't stop them, they liked to cause trouble.

"Oh well" Mello shrugged.

"How dare you insult my dick drawing skills, this is anatomically correct thank you" Matt joked.

"To what? A mouse? You saying your dick is that small Matt?" You teased back.

"Wh- NO! Damnit you got me there..."

The doors opened, and in walked the two club members who seemed tired and fed up with all the homework they'd need assigned lately, dumping it down on the desk.

"Man, sometimes I hate being a gifted kid..." Near sighed.

"Same, so much damn work" L replied.

When he turned to the whiteboard and saw all the totally, absolutely, family friendly art on it, he just sighed in frustration.

"Children, both of you" he said.

The M&Ms just snickered, sharing a high five.

"Ok, let's actually have an adult conversation here. So we can't get Misa caught up in this since she's being our whistleblower, and she's being seriously blackmailed. But we still need to expose the others, especially Light. Any ideas?" L asked, sitting opposite you at the desks.

It was silent while everyone thought, no one able to come up with anything.

"I mean, can't we just take what we have to police? Apart from the Misa stuff" Mello asked.

"All we have is a witness statement about some shoes and a bad vibe... they won't be able to do anything with that" Near replied.

"At least they'll have Light on record as being a POTENTIAL suspect though"

In truth, most of your suspicions came from personal experiences with Light being an ass. It was sheer chance that Frankie saw the shoes that matched Lights and  that Misa was able to confirm it. Without brining up the Misa stuff, your evidence was shaky at best, easily chalked up to coincidence.

"There's gotta be something we can do to ensure evidence. Surely, I mean he's been sloppy enough to get himself in trouble before. With fighting L in the middle of a busy hall and everything" Mello said.

"If there is something he's left behind we haven't found it. The cops found nothing at the latest crime scene either, she was just left there with no other belongings other than the clothes she wore" L replied.

Pondering on options, you were at a loss. You needed something solid, something that'll set his guilt in stone...

Stone... hang on.

It was a crazy idea, but if you could pull it off...

"Hey, are any of you buddies with a gorgon?" You asked.

"There's one on our casket ball team, why?" Matt replied.

"You think he'd be willing to help?"

Everyone turned their attention to you and gave you a confused look, where were you going with this?

"Maybe..? Why?" Mello asked.

"If we can have Misa tell us when the next crime happens, what if we hid just out of sight and had a gorgon turn him to stone from a distance? Mid way in the act too. That way he literally can't escape and we have picture evidence and several witnesses. Eventually the effects will wear off as well so it's not like we're hurting anyone" you explained.

The group was silent a moment. It was one heck of an inside idea, but it WOULD work if you managed to pull it off. The question was, how? You'd need to position yourself in just the right spot, find a gorgon willing to help, and make sure Misa has correct information. It could fail miserably but if it didn't it was basically case closed.

"I mean... if we could pull it off..." Near muttered.

"It's insane but it could work" Mello added.

You looked over at L, who was still thinking about it. Weighing out the risks and such in his mind. He trusted you, he loved you. He knew if you went through with this you'd try your absolute best to make it work, but he was also protective of your safety, and if it didn't work he didn't want you hurt.

"It would definitely work if you could pull it off. But if things went south we could get seriously hurt" he said.

"I know, that's why I'd be extra careful and triple check everything before going through with it" you replied.

"(Y/n), I love you. But this is crazy... that being said if it worked we'd have the ability to literally pick up the killer and carry him to the police while he's frozen"

"I just can't think of any other way that'd keep Misa safe from being outed"

Again, silence for a moment. Right now it was really the only plausible plan any of you had.

"I guess, unless we can come up with something better... that's the best option. You're incredibly smart (y/n)" L agreed.

"You're the smartest one here honey, no need for flattery" you replied.

"I'm serious! You came up with that so quickly, you're genuinely really smart"

"Ok can we save the praise kink for later love birds? Are we doing this or what?" Matt jumped in.

You almost whacked him for that comment, but the flames that literally came off his body stopped you, you didn't feel like being burnt.

"Yeah, let's do it. Matt, Mello, ask your gorgon to meet with us next practice" L said.

Let's hope this guy is willing to help...

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