Chapter 31 | the full story

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A/n: like I said, this book is shorter than my usuals because it's such a straight forward AU. So this is the final chapter! Don't worry, more L content is on the way.

Aside from some scarring, you were a ok. That holy water scare luckily ended up fine, but god did it give you a heart attack when it happened. You were back in your dorm now, impatiently waiting for updates on the case.

It'd been a few weeks, the school had been buzzing with gossip and shock. Mr Yagami hadn't been in since the incident, a sub was filling in for him. You can't imagine he'd be back any time soon with his son in jail for murder. Misa and Takada were taken out of school for a while to to be throughly investigated, but showed back up at the start of the week saying they'd been processed and let off on the ground of being victims of Lights manipulation. They didn't actually commit the killings, just knew about them and withheld the information. Luckily for Misa, the USB containing the video of her was destroyed. No more blackmail was looming over her head.

They couldn't reveal much, as it was an ongoing investigation. You were still in the dark about a lot of the details. But since you were directly involved you were going to be informed of the findings eventually. You'd had a few days called into the station about the holy water assault, and had to get pictures of the burns and a testimonial taken for court.

Light was looking at life for the murders, and Mikami several years for the assault and assistance to murder. That's all you know so far, done if the details.

Although being the detective brained person L was, he had a lot of theories and was putting the dots together as more information came out. Like the very long drawn out search of Light and Mikamis lockers and dorms, resulting in several boxes of evidence. That was rather suspicious, he could tell they'd definitely found something other than the obvious illicit materials.

You were scrolling through the blog, checking up on the inbox as was your task in the club when you heard the door open and L rushed in carrying his laptop.

"(Y/n) holy shit-" he said.

"Updates?" You replied.


You pushed your laptop aside so he could put us down and had him sit beside you. Well... more like on top of you since the desk chair was too small for both of you. He had a email about the case open, allowing you to read everything.

L Lawliet,

In regards to the status of the case, we can now inform you of all the details. As you know already Light Yagami is the killer, with the help of Teru Mikami. Misa Amane and Kyomi Takada have been acquitted on the grounds they too are victims of Yagami's manipulation. As they never actually held the knife and attacked, they will face no charges.

The blackmail Yagami held has been destroyed, and blackmail has been added to his list of charges along with harbouring illicit substances, two counts of first degree murder, hate crime, and attempted murder. He's looking at life in prison for his crimes.

Mikami is facing charges for withholding evidence, assault and stalking as we've found substantial evidence he had been stalking Yagami in a delusion that he was a god like being.

"I knew it! I knew he was some kind of creepy stalker. Those pictures I found in his locker proved it" you spoke up.

"Those were creepy as hell. I'm curious about what else they found... but at the same time I'm not sure if I really want to know..." L replied.

"You think Light manipulated him too, or is he just crazy?"

"Both. He's crazy and Light took advantage of that"

You continued to read on.

You along with the rest of those involved will be asked to stand trial and say your side of the story as well as all the information you know in front of a jury on trial day. This will help determine the sentences the two receive. Dates are still to be confirmed, we'll keep in touch about that.

As for the exact events, your theories were all correct. I must say, your detective skills are impressive. I'm sure you'd make a great investigator one day.

"Wow, you guessed everything right?! So he was doing this because of some weird discriminatory grudge against anyone with human blood. He was behind the graffiti, both killings and the attempted third, had the intent to kill us too... you're definitely going to make a great detective L" you said.

"I couldn't have done it without your help you know? You were the one who got the message from Misa in the first place and bought it to me" he replied.

"Maybe we could be a detective duo? When he graduate we can go to law school together and start our own private investigation company"

"I'd like that, investigating with you would be so much fun"

The last part of the email you skimmed through quickly.

Further documents can be provided when they're no longer considered classified, please keep in touch for news on the trail dates.

Detective Sinvester

What a wild ride that was... the whole thing from start to finish was full of twists. When you started monster high, you were just intending to finish your schooling and pick up the pieces after your death. Not help solve a murder case, but here you were.

You were glad you did it though, not only did it get a killer arrested but you met some of the best people in your life through the newspaper club and this case. Especially L, the story of how you ended up dating was definitely an unusual one to tell at family gatherings... when the rest of your family end up ghosts that is.

"Hey, I'm proud of you L. You did amazing on this whole case. You're going to be the best detective there is" you smiled.

"I'm proud of you too, you helped so much. And you're still smiling despite the burns" he replied.

"I can live with some scars, all worth it to solve the case and spend the rest of my un-life with you"

He smiled, placing a kiss on your lips and pulling you into his arms for a hug.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too, my detective to be"

Your graduating year at a school for monsters was bound to be anything but normal. A murder mystery and finding a boyfriend through that mystery was the last thing you expected, definitely far from normal. But the experience definitely taught you a lot. And you were overjoyed to be able to say you'd one day be a proper detective with L, and your first ever case solved was one where you got to see his bully put behind bars.

Guess you could say the outcome was fang-tastic.


Monster Heart (L x Reader) • Death Note Monster High AU Where stories live. Discover now