Chapter 24 | information

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You were about ready to fall asleep, this assignment was killing you. Who assigns a 5000 word essay on tectonic plates? What even is there to say about tectonic plates? They move sometimes and make earthquakes, they have volcanoes and that's about it. How are you meant to bullshit 5000 words out of that?

You'd been up half the night, your bed calling you from across the room with its soft blankets and and pile of pillows. Gods, you wanted to go to sleep, but this damn assignment needed to be done.

Well... maybe you could do it during lunch. It was late as hell anyway...

Giving up, you closed your books and turned off your laptop. Flopping face first into the pillows and ready to pass out. Only to hear a soft knock on your door, groaning in annoyance you got up and went to answer it. Thinking maybe a staff member had some emergency information or something.

When you opened it, who was there but L.

"L? Get in here! It's past lights out, if the staff spot you you're dead!" You whisper yelled, grabbing him by the collar of his pyjama shirt and pulling him in.

"I'm already dead" L replied.

"You know what I mean. What is it? I was about to go to sleep"

"Sorry I know it's late. But I just a message from Misa using a sock account so no one can trace it back to her"

Ok maybe you could stay up a little longer. L handed you his phone, and you read over the message from Misa.

Light is planning his next kill for Wednesday the 4th. The target is a vampire in class 2-B, Anna Nemia. Plan is to sneak traces of garlic into her food at dinner, not enough to kill her but enough to make her sick and leave to go to the nurse. On the way he's going to corner her under the left wing stairwell, ambush her by taping her mouth shut so she can't scream and pull her out the side doors, and steak her in the heart when in the woods.

You felt your blood... well, ectoplasm, go cold seeing the words kill and vampire so close together. As of Light didn't already hate L, but he hated his species too. Enough to try and kill one. But this information was exactly what you needed. Wednesday the fourth was still a few weeks away, you had time to prepare and maybe figure out what the fuck is up with Mikami while you're at it.

"Fuck, that's cold blooded. He really has no shame or remorse, he's getting ballsy too by attacking in the school where there's tons of cameras" you said.

"I know, that stairwell is the one blind spot too, right by the door to the back field. He's thought this out" L replied.

"We'll tell the others at the next club meeting and we can discuss a plan of action with them. Better get Deuce involved too"

"He won't be pleased to hear the target is a vampire. He's friends with that Draculaura girl"

"Oh yeah, I still haven't met her yet. Can't believe THE Dracula's daughter literally goes to our school..."

Monster high had its fair share of pretty famous monsters over the years, but damn... the Dracula family even went here. Wild to think about sometimes, so many really famous monsters walked these same halls and stayed in the dorms you were sleeping in.

"I'll admit I'm not knowledgeable about many of the students here. I stick to the club and only really know a few people in our class" L said.

"Same, too many names to put to faces. I'll stick with you and the club" you replied.

"It's late, we should sleep. I just wanted to show you the message ASAP"

L was about to turn to leave but you grabbed him arm, stopping him from going anywhere.

"Don't! I- I mean... if you get caught out past lights out you'll get in trouble. Just stay here tonight..." you said.

That suggestion was mainly so he wouldn't get in trouble... and maybe a little bit because you wanted him to stay...

"If you're ok with it..?" He replied.

"Would I be suggesting it if I wasn't ok with it? You can have my squishy pillow" You replied.

Turning off the main light but leaving the string lights over your bed on, you plugged in your chargers, set aside your water bottle and got into bed. Pulling the blankets back for L to climb in with you. Last time you hid in each others rooms it was in his, and you ended up squished together in his coffin bed. This time your regular bed had a bit more room for the two of you but that didn't stop you from snuggling up to him. You were both dead, so you were always rather cold and snuggling together never failed to warm you up a bit.

"I know we've been dating a while now, but this still feels so... new" L admitted.

"You're just not used to affection that isn't from your dad" you teased.

"Maybe... but I don't mind sleeping over more often. It's warm next to you"

Pulling you into his arms, you pulled the blankets up over the two of you and snuggled in. You'd probably get in trouble if the staff found out you were sneaking into each other's rooms like this. They obviously wanted to prevent any hormone driven shenanigans happening in the school, so unless you had a platonic roommate you weren't meant to have two people sleeping in the same room. As if that'd stop young couples though.

"I love you..." you smiled.

"I love you too, you've really helped me understand love better" he replied.

You placed a quick kiss on his lips, and he returned it with one on for forehead.

"Goodnight" you said.

"Don't let the vampires bite" he teased.

"Maybe I will if it's you, I don't mind you biting me"

He was silent a moment, knowing it was a joke but the implications still made him blush.

"You're already dead, can't turn you into a vampire" he replied.

"You'll just have to bite me for fun then, although not tonight. I'm tired, but hey if you're a good little bat maybe another night soon enough..." you teased.

You sly son of a bitch, making him blush while he was pressed right up against you.

"I'll have to be a good little bat then"

Monster Heart (L x Reader) • Death Note Monster High AU Where stories live. Discover now