Chapter 16 | details

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The details about the murder had been kept under wraps, as it was still an ongoing case. But those who were close to the victim as well as family were told what happened and from there the news started to spread.

Just this morning as you were going from science to literature, you overheard it from two other students. He was butchered.

Not just stabbed, butchered.

64 wounds apparently, with a large knife. Most of them in the heart, some around the neck and shoulders. He'd been dead for 4 days by the time the body was found, was in Rigor mortis and starting to rot. It was brutal, and and attack like that only further solidified the hate crime theory, this was a crime of passion.

Unsurprisingly, the atmosphere in the school was gloomy and on edge since word got out. And the memorial on his locker was growing by the day, more and more flowers and notes left on it. Rumour had it his parents would be coming to collect his belongings from his dorm on the weekend, hopefully they could at least take some comfort in the memorial and know that the students loved him as much as they did.

Thinking about the whole situation from class to class had you trying to find any tiny clue you'd missed, literally anything. And when you were sitting in freak-onimics it hit you. The note.


L turned to face you, having just gotten an overly sweet drink from the vending machine.

"Woah, catch your breath there" he replied.

"I just- oh my gods I'm unfit... had an epiphany" you puffed.

"About the case?"

"About the case"

Taking a moment to catch your breath after rushing through the halls, L offered some of his drink. You took a sip, almost choking on the sickly sweetness of it.

"That note that was slipped under your door about Light wanting to bash you? What if that was V" you said.

The same realisation suddenly hit L. The note was made from cutout letters to not have any handwriting to link to it, just like the initial message was typed and sent with a VPN so no identification could come from it. And both messages were about an event yet to happen that the sender had inside knowledge of.

"Oh my gods you're right-" L said.

"We know it's probably Light that's involved in this thanks to the match up of the shoes, so V is probably one of his buddies. Takada, Misa or Mikami" you replied.

"I don't think it'd be Mikami since he was the one that made the fake screenshots, he had malicious intent there. But one of the girls... we did overhear what was likely them on that night we sent snooping. They seemed apprehensive about everything so it's probably one of them"

One of the girls was V, the whistleblower. They knew that if Light found out, they'd probably get hurt too. So everything they leaked had to be done anonymously, it was a sticky situation. If you outed them it could put them in danger, but you needed to know who it was to get evidence Light was the killer. And if his buddies were involved too, what extent they were involved also needed to be figured out.

The two of you began to walk over to your lockers to pack up your stuff for the day, the last classes over.

You were about to add something else when you felt someone tap your shoulder. Turning to face them, you saw two girls. One fish monster and a gorgon with their snakes covered by a hat.

"Have you seen Semele?" The gorgon asked.

"Uh- sorry who?" You replied.

"Kinda short werewolf, dark hair, wearing jeans and a green crop top. In class 2-B?"

Monster Heart (L x Reader) • Death Note Monster High AU Where stories live. Discover now