Chapter 9 | a dark turn

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When you'd bought the message to the headmistress, she was rather concerned about the whole situation. The whistleblower clearly wanting to come forward but in a situation where they could get hurt if they did meant someone in the school was not only the culprit, but were actively abusing someone behind closed doors.

Luckily you didn't get grilled for not showing her earlier, as there was no way of telling it was a real message and not a prank until now. She told you to keep the inbox open and see if any other messages come through, and perhaps that could be used to find out who the culprit was. Maintaining open to the whistleblower was key.

So you and L went to bed that night thinking that things couldn't get any worse any time soon. Eventually, but not soon. But you were very wrong.

When you woke up this morning, you heard a lot of chatter in the hallways of the dorms, and upon opening the door to founds several students all standing around in their pyjamas trying to look out the windows. The doors to the rest of the school were locked and the lockdown alarm was going off in the distance.

Something had clearly happened. And you wanted to see what it was, so using your ability to float you went up to one of the higher windows to see outside. Across the field several police cars were parked, lights flashing and everything. Crime scene tape marked off the area around the forested area and you immediately had a gut feeling you knew what had happened.


You looked down to find L still half asleep and in his pyjamas.

"Let me see" he said.

You floated down and grabbed him around the waist, lifting him up to the top window to see as the crowd around the bottom one had blocked his sight. He was surprisingly light, but he was dead so it wasn't like he had any working organs or much blood in him.

"Uh oh... you think..." he said.

"Yeah, they definitely found a body. That Hyde kid most likely" you replied.

"So it's not just a weird graffiti and disappearance, there's a whole murderer at this school"

"We'll probably be in lockdown all day and I bet the cops will question every single one of us"

"I bet they'll want a copy of that message too" you sighed.

It was a scary and tragic situation, but somehow you and L weren't surprised.

You leaned your legs up on the windowsill, allowing L to use your lap as a chair as you floated by the window to watch the scene play out. Sure enough after a while of cops going on and out of the woods, a body covered in a blanket was carried out on a stretcher.

You wondered who found it and called it in, probably one of the nocturnal students who'd have been awake while you were asleep. Another assembly was probably in order, and the whole school would be majorly shaken from this. It's tragic when a student dies in general, but a murder... yikes.

"Fuck... there's literally a killer among us" you muttered.

"I definitely don't like the idea of being in the halls alone anymore" L replied.

"We have most classes together anyway, let's stick together"

You could already tell the security in the school would be racked up a ton, and there'd probably be police hanging around from now on. Whoever the killer is would definitely have a harder time sneaking around, but if they could get the Hyde kid during a crowded sports carnival... you were on edge to say the least.

"I wish we knew who V was, that would make figuring everything out so much easier" L sighed.

"I tried using an IP tracker on the anonymous message but they must be using a VPN because it showed up all the way in Scotland... definitely not where monster high is" you replied.

Hearing the doors unlock, you all turned and found one of the teachers, Mr Yagami walk in. It was awkward when the dad of the guy bullying you was a teacher, but right now that was the least of you and L's problems.

"Settle down kids, settle" he said over the chatter.

The room fell silent, all of the students in this wing of the dorms had woken up by now and come to look out the windows. So Mr Yagami didn't have to wait for anyone to be woken up.

"As I'm sure you all just saw... there was a body found just outside school grounds early this morning. It is indeed Mr Jeckel, I'm deeply sorry to those of you who were friends with him..." he began.

Immediately a few of the kids who knew him broke down, their friends all crowding around them trying to comfort them. The atmosphere went from tense and confused to gloomy and somber at the drop of a hat.

"There'll be no class today, possibly tomorrow depending on how long questioning takes. The police want to question all the students, so one by one you'll all be taken to the front office to be questioned. We're going alphabetically and by year group, you guys will be later on in the day. You are to stay in the dorms until you're bought out for questioning, and when it's lunch you'll all be escorted to the cafeteria. The school councillor will be open all week, even on weekends" Mr Yagami explained.

He seemed to know exactly how this was going to go, it made sense since before become a teacher he was a police officer. He'd know how investigations like this work.

It looked like today would be spent in your room sitting around and waiting. You didn't have any leads until you had more information to go off, and since the body was only JUST found you had to wait a while. But there is one thing you were curious of already.

"Mr Yagami" you spoke up.

He looked up at you at the sound of your voice.

"Since you were a cop before you'd know about how crimes are classed right? Would this be considered a hate crime given the previous graffiti likely being linked?"

The room fell silent again, everyone knew the answer already deep down. But they all wanted to hear it confirmed by someone who knew what they were talking about.

"In my opinion, yes. But until the police further investigate there's nothing offical" he replied.

You knew it. That graffiti was a message, from some asshole monster purist who hated human borns and half humans. Anyone that had human blood was bad to them. The chatter broke out again, the whole student body on edge knowing this was a likely a hate crime. And there was a chance it could happen again if the killer managed to evade capture.

Making sure the doors to each wing of the school stayed locked, the students were confined to their dorm space. When all the commotion died down you went to L's room with him. You didn't have the time to properly look around before, too distracted by the message form V. But now you had a better look you could take in the personal details. Coffin bed as to be expected of a vampire, bookshelves full of books, so many they were starting to pile onto the ground around it. His desk was an organised mess, laptop in the middle and stacks of schoolwork and the school newspapers drafts off to the sides.

His closet doors were slight open and you caught a glimpse of seemingly endless white shirts. He definitely had a brand that's for sure.   The curtains over the windows were safety pinned shut to keep the sun out and the overhead lights stayed off. Instead he lit the room with string lights. Vampires quite liked the dark.

"I guess we just wait then..." he sighed, jumping over the side off his coffin and landing in the soft blankets.

You floated in after him, there being a surprising amount of room in that coffin. But it was a coffin BED so that was to be expected. Leaning against the sides you sat opposite each other, under the blankets to keep warm in the cold dorms.

"It sounds dark as hell but I can't say I'm surprised he ended up dead" you said.

"Honestly same, I was just waiting for the body to show up... I wonder how he died, that might reveal who the killer could be" L replied.

"I just feel bad for his fiends, they'll be crying all week"

"Not to mention his family have to come down from wherever they live and officially identify the body, then move all his stuff out of his dorm... thats going to hurt..."

It was just a shitty situation all around, you sure as hell hoped that before another death could occur the culprit was stopped in his tracks.

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