Chapter 30 | end of the line

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Even sitting in a hospital bed covered in burn treatment, you were still buzzing with energy over the whole situation. Maybe it was the adrenaline wearing off, maybe it was the fact you'd just had a brush with death (again). But you were eager to hear how everything had turned out back at school, you had your nose stuck in your phone reading all the messages from the club group chat about what was going on.

Once you were picked up by the ambulance, the cops had arrived just as you were leaving and the school was still in lockdown. So everything else that happened after that you were being told via text every few minutes.

So far, Light and Mikami were detained. Light had un-frozen by now, Deuce's power wearing off. The almost victim was alright, the mild allergy symptoms had subsided with some medication. Everyone that was at the scene was being questioned. So the suspects, the club members, Frankie and Deuce, the head mistress, everyone. You expected a cop to show up in your room and question you soon enough too.

Knowing they'd want to question everyone, you and the club agreed to come clean and tell the truth. Explaining you didn't come forward earlier to protect Misa from the blackmail that'd only put her in further harm. They'd understand a bunch of teenagers logic to pull off a stunt like that if it was to protect a friend. You'd still probably get a bit of a verbal grilling about not coming forward with the information sooner, but to keep that tape from getting out? That was a price you were willing to pay.

The forms of the suspects were being searched, as well as the school as a whole. All the students were sent back to their dorms and told to stay inside while the investigation was going on.

So far, no news on convictions or anything of the sort. Although you didn't expect them anytime soon, they had to do a full investigation first.

A knock on the door caught your attention, and when it opened you were met with a police officer and a nurse. You knew you'd be questioned, matter of time.

"(Y/n), I'm sure you understand what needs to be done here" the nurse said.

"I figured I'd get questioned" you replied.

"Are you feeling well enough to do so?"

"Yeah, the painkillers have kicked in now. Just a bit of a sting but I can handle it"

Leaving the officer to question you, he sat by the bed with his notebook and introduced himself. Explained that he'd just questioned some of the club members and needed your side of things too. You were willing to answer everything, that bastard shinigami and the zombie that burnt you needed to be put behind bars.

"So, you and the rest of the club began to investigate because of an anonymous tip sent to the blog correct?" He asked.

"Correct" you replied.

"You tried to follow the tippers clues, but the culprit was too sneaky to catch I've heard"

"Yeah. We went to the sport day both because Matt and Mello were playing in it and because we wanted to try and catch the guy. But whatever he did he was crafty about it and we didn't see anything"

The officer jotted down all the answers, making sure your story lined up with the others.

"And how did you figure out the killer was Yagami?" He asked.

"One of the students, Frankie. They have next to photographic memory and noticed suspicious activity by seeing someone wandering around behind the school. They remembered the shoes and by matching up the shoes they saw with pictures of the students we figured it was Light. Then Misa confirmed it herself to us later" you explained.

"Was Misa involved in the killings?"

"She knew about them, but didn't actively commit any. The reason she never came forward was because Light has some life ruining blackmail on her"

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