Chapter 8 | passing notes

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How can you focus on a boring physics lecture when there's an active crime happening in your own school? You'd sat at the back so no one could see your laptop screen and know that you weren't actually paying attention, you were on the blog reading through all the messages.

Apart from a few from other club members asking for an article to be written, most of it was people sending you what they think happened in hopes of helping the investigation. While the police and school faculty were involved, the newspaper club had become like unofficial field workers, a tip line. You all wanted to get to the bottom of this, as as students you were closer to the crime than the police were so you had a slight advantage for finding out information.

But so far there was nothing useful in the inbox, most of it was just rumours. Although it was clear the rest of the school got the same vibes of discriminative undertones as you and L did, as many of the half human or undead monsters were voicing their concerns.

It was clear the culprit was some kind of monster purist. How anyone could be in a school like monster high you had no idea. It was full of half human and undead monsters and prided itself on acceptance. There's no way the staff would willingly let a discriminatory person in, so they must have been hiding their true colours when they did the entrance exam.

You were snapped out of your daze when you felt something tap your leg, and when you looked down you found someone's disembodied hand had crawled up to you holding a note. You looked around the room and saw that the franken-monster sitting behind L across the classroom was missing their hand. You figured that he'd asked them to pass along the note.

You took it, opening it to read it.

We need to tell the headmistress about the message, let's go at lunch after this and show them.

You agreed with that, the staff should know someone is acting as a whistleblower. It could help lead to the culprit. You picked up a pen and wrote back.

We should. I'll message Near that we'll be a little late to the club room.

Folding the paper back up and passing it to the hand, you watched it crawl back to L. You didn't know the owner of the hand personally but they seemed like a total lad, letting people use their limbs to pass notes. And they had a super cool prosthetic leg too, covered in art.

When the boring lecture finally finished, you packed up and kept your laptop out to pull up the message. Meeting L by the door, you headed down the hallways toward the headmistress's office.

"You think we'll get chewed out for not bringing it up sooner?" You asked.

"Not if we say he didn't know it was a real message and not just a prank" L replied.

"Good thinking. You think they'll message again?"

"No idea, hopefully they do"

Suddenly L felt something whack his arm and when he turned to see what it was he found none other than Light had hit him with his bag.

"Watch it paint bush hair" L scoffed.

"Don't walk where I'm walking then" Light snapped back.

"It's a crowded hallway idiot, where else am I meant to walk?"

"Maybe to the teachers office for your 'extra credit' under the desk"

Gross, did he really just insinuate that? You gave him a nasty look and instinctively stepped before L.

"Fucking ew? Don't insinuate students having relationships with teachers. That's fucked up. Can you just let go of your petty grudge and grow up?" You scoffed.

"Aw, need your ghoul toy to stand up for you L?" Light taunted.

"One I'm not a fucking toy, and two, I'm defending him because I care about him. Unlike you who has no one that cares about you, L doesn't deserve this bullshit. All he did was top the class and you're so insecure about it you're lashing out even a year later? Pathetic"

Light clearly didn't like you hitting the nail on the head, he knew deep down this was all because of insecurity but he didn't want to admit that.

"It's deeper than that, it doesn't concern you dead kid" Light scowled.

"Yeah I'm dead, and guess what? You can't use my name in your silly little notebook like I know you want too. Can't kill a ghost with a Death Note. Cope harder you feathery dick" you sassed back.

L just stood and watched with a smirk on his face, usually he'd just tell light to fuck off and ignore him. But it was so entertaining watching you wipe the floor with him, and it was nice to have someone defend you. He appreciated it, in fact... it just made him like you more.

"That doesn't mean you can't die for good, just wait until someone exorcises you" Light smirked, an evil glint in his eyes.

"Is that a threat? Because I don't think your father will want to hear that his son and student is bullying other kids" you replied.

How Light had the balls to act like this when his dad worked at the school you had no idea, but you were surprised no one had dobbed hall in for it yet.

Light was about to say something when Misa came skipping over to him, having just come from fear-leading practice.

"Liiigghhttt! Come on we need to get to the coffin bean before lunch ends!" She cooed, grabbing onto his arm.

Light glared at you and L, but decided he wanted a coffee more than to argue with you right now.

"This isn't over, watch your backs you undead bastards" he said, letting Misa pull him away.

Thank god for Misa.

You rolled your eyes and grabbed L's wrist, pulling him alongside you to keep heading to the headmistress's office.

"What a pathetic little man he is" you sighed.

"Thanks for that... I really don't have the energy to deal with him nowadays..." L replied.

"He's a shithead, I'll always defend you"

L felt his cheeks warm up, and his blue tinted skin probably looked a little purple from the blush. He'd never had someone stand up for him so quickly, he was always the one standing up to others.

"You know with his behaviour I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind everything" you half joked.

"Honestly... you might me onto something there" L replied.

"You think so? Not just clouded by your hatred for him?"

"It's possible, I mean he has the attitude to be a criminal"

You know... maybe there was some merit to it? Maybe Light was the one behind the graffiti and potentially the disappearance? It made you think, if it was Light then who was the whistleblower?

Monster Heart (L x Reader) • Death Note Monster High AU Where stories live. Discover now