Chapter 5 | V

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With the honour of the control over the school blog being given to you, you decided to go through the whole thing after school ended. Sitting up in your dorm, you scrolled through the messages students had sent in.

You ended up being the only one in your dorm, there was an area for another person, but no one ever showed up to room with you. Probably because you were a latecomer and just for whatever dorm was left. But that didn't fuss you, you were glad to have your own space.

Floating above your desk chair, you read through all the messages and wrote down any that seemed to have some merit to them. The blog had become a tip line very fast after the graffiti incident, many students sending in their theories on who the culprit was. By the end of the day the graffiti had been covered up, and the wall looked as good as new. But just because it was gone that didn't mean you weren't thinking about it still.

Most of the messages didn't have much merit, it was mainly students suggesting the culprit was someone they personally didn't like. But there were a few points that caught your eye.

One of the nocturnal students that had night classes said they saw someone in a hood walk past one of the classrooms while class was in session. The only reason someone would be in the halls is if they were a staff member, running an errand for a staff member or had a bathroom pass.

The fact they wore a hood made you think it just be a student, the staff all dressed way more professionally than a hood.

Another tipper said their class was just down the hall but out of sight of the wall the graffiti was on. When they left class after it ended, that class was the first to see the graffiti and it was still damp. Meaning it had to have been done close to the end of that class.

And the last tip that had merit was someone who did the math on how high up the graffiti was. Unless they culprit went up on a ladder, they'd have to be able to fly to get that high.

The sighting of the hooded person around the time of the crime and the fact that they weren't carrying anything like a ladder made you think the culprit must be someone with wings or the ability to float. That eliminated a massive pool of suspects, but didn't narrow it down to a small group. There were tons of students who could fly and float. YOU could float.

So who could it have been? A ghost or shinigami? A mixed monster who had the power to fly? A gargoyle who somehow managed to work their wings despite being made of stone?

At least you knew who it WASN'T. No vampires, no werewolves or sea monsters. No zombies or living dolls or elementals.

When you finally reached the end of all the messages, you took to the blogs home page to make a post.

The blogs new admin!
Greetings and skull-utations ghouls, gays and users of they! I'm (y/n), and I'm the newest member of the newspaper club. The role of blog admin was given to me, so anyone wanting to submit news for the blog can either message us or come directly to me in the club room or if you pass me in the halls. I hope to do a good job, and thank you for reading the newspaper clubs work.

I also want to thank everyone for the tips about the graffiti incident. If you have any more, feel free to send them in so we can get to the bottom of this mystery.

Thank you and stay vigilant!

Hitting post, you hoped the call to action would compel people who had any tips to keep coming forward.

Immediately a notification pinged on the new post, and when you clicked on it to see what it was about you found that L had already liked it. He must be sitting around on his computer as well, you clicked on his profile out of curiosity and gave it a look.

Every student had a profile on the schools network, and while it wasn't as popular as proper social media it was used quite a bit by club members and students council to communicate about school matters.

L had a sense of humour about the fact vampires don't show up in photos, his profile picture was just a pair of floating sunglasses, party hat and phone. His white shirt loosely showing off the shape his body was posed in. The banner was set to a photo of him and the club members (even though Matt and Mello weren't offical club members, they were still there). Again he didn't show up, but his clothes did. So it just looked like a floating pair of jeans and a shirt between the others.

The bio showed what grade and club he was in and the fact he was the leader of it. He didn't have many posts, mainly stuff about the club and the occasional award he'd won. He didn't follow many people either, just the club members and his teachers for the year. And only a handful of people followed him, mainly those interested in keeping up with the club.

His latest post was a call to action for anyone with information about the graffiti incident to tell the newspaper club (as well as faculty of course).

L seemed to be pretty solitary person even online, which was completely fine by you. You liked being friends with quiet people, you didn't have the energy for super over hyper people sometimes. Plus, the quiet ones are always the most interesting.

Another ping came though, a banner for the message box popping up. You clicked on it, seeing that the person sending it had the anonymous function turned on. That was strange... no one really used that function. Regardless, you opened it to read it.

I know something about the culprit. They're dangerous, they have a bigger plan. I can't do anything to stop them without making things worse. I can't say outright who it is without them knowing I turned on them, as much as I want to.

On the Friday of the inter school sport fair, they're going to start phase 2 of their plan.

Make sure you're nearby so you might be able to catch it happen. They're sneaky though, it might not work. But it can't hurt to try.


You had to read it over again to make sure you weren't going crazy, did you really just read that right? Someone knew what was going on and was leaking information to you?

Who was V? You didn't know anyone starting with a V... unless they just picked a random letter to throw you off.

You immediately unplugged your laptop and closed the lid, getting your and stuffing your slippers on to rush out into the dorm halls. You needed to show L, this could be big.

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