Chapter 17 | death day

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Several years ago, you were once human. Living a completely normal life and growing up in a fairly normal household.

Not much about you was that special, you were just like anyone else and you were ok with that. Better to be a regular person than in the spotlight with all the shit that comes with it. It was when you turned 15 that things took a sharp turn. It wasn't moving house that bothered you, it was sad to say goodbye to your friends but you were exited to see new places and meet new people. Unfortunately the school you ended up in was the most cliquey school you'd ever seen, and because you came into it after everyone already formed their groups you were a bit of an outcast.

You didn't mind not having many friends, but you wanted at least one...

And because no one paid you any attention, no one was around to witness your death or jump in to save you.

Walking home that day, you were a bit sad. You were starting to get pretty lonely, wanting your old friends back. Your guard was down as your mind was on something else, and unbeknownst to you someone was following you.

A few weeks prior there was a school assembly about a suspicious individual spotted in the area, and to be on guard and report anything you saw. When you were out of sight from school ground on the way home, and no other students were walking in the same direction, that's when it happened.

You felt someone grab you from behind, wrestle you into a car and put a pillow case over your head. There was a lot of screaming and crying, kicking the seats and doors trying to get out. Only stopping when the voice of your kidnapped snapped at you to shut up, and out of fear you did. In that moment silently crying, bound in the back seat you cursed yourself for not being on guard and hearing the warning at that assembly.

You drove for what felt like hours, and eventually came to a stop. The car door opened, then closed. You stayed put. With no idea what the kidnapper was doing outside the car you sat and waited in fear. Was he going to hurt you? Drug you? Kill you?

Eventually you were grabbed out of the car, thrown into a ditch and the pillow case was pulled off your head. The sick bastard wanted to watch you die, watch the life leave your eyes. And using a rope he wrapped it around your neck and pulled, harder and harder until you couldn't breathe. Your windpipes collapsed, you wheezed for air and eventually didn't have the energy to fight back. Your vision blackened and you went limp. Dead.

It wasn't for a few days that you woke up, this time as a ghost. And when you did you found no one could see or hear you, all the police officers on the scene having just found your body walked right by you unable to do anything to help you. It took a while for you to realise you were a ghost now, and your plan of action was to follow the police back to town. They couldn't see or hear you but they could at least help you find your way home.

Turns out you'd been taken pretty far out into the woods, and luckily they'd found your body because the killer was caught and admitted to it. Once back in town, you found your way home and had to suffer through watching your parents cry over your loss unaware you were right there in front of them.

For a whole year you haunted your house, depressed, scared and alone. You turned 16, dead as a ghost. But after all that time it dawned on you, if ghosts were real then there's more of them right? People die all the time.

So you went out hunting for fellow ghost, in all the obvious places like graveyards, hospitals, morgues etc. and finally found one in the same cemetery you were buried at. It was thanks to that helpful ghost you were told about the monster world, and directed to it to continue living a normal afterlife.

As sad as it was to leave your parents, you knew they wanted you to graduate and go on to do great things. So after another year of exploring the monster world and understanding it, you enrolled in monster high. Now 17 going on 18, finishing high school and making your parents proud from beyond the grave.

And every little detail, you just explained to L. He was your lover now, he deserved to know so he could use the information to keep you safe.

"You know... I think being murdered myself is what made me want to start investigating this in the first place. I know what it's like to fear for your life in that way, and I'm extremely lucky I was given the chance to be a ghost and have an afterlife. I want to prevent this form happening to other people" you explained.

L was silent for a moment, taking it in. He knew you died of asphyxiation, but he expected it to have been an accident not a full on murder. He wanted to find that fucker that killed you and tare his eyeballs out and cut his hands off for what he did.

"Fuck..." he muttered.

"I know... I still freak out when people get too close to my neck..." you replied.

"That's... worse than my death. I'm so sorry (y/n), you were so young. You had your whole life ahead of you and it was ripped away by some... maniac"

"I can't change it, I've come to terms with it by now. I'm just glad I got the chance to be a ghost and keep living in the monster world"

Becoming a ghost was a random thing, not everyone became one. It just happened from time to time, you got very lucky.

"But... what about you? I know it was a heart attack but how did that even happen? You were also so young" you asked.

L sighed, he didn't like to think about his death. But he felt you deserved to know.

"I was 5 or 6... my birth parents were not the best. It was the neglect that killed me, I got sick and they refused to care for me. I still don't know exactly what I ended up catching but it lead to a weak heart and eventually... it stopped. But the twist is how insanely lucky I got to be bitten. Neighbours could tell I was deathly ill and my parents were doing anything about it. So I was taken by CPS and eventually to hospital for treatment. It was too late for me, I was beyond saving medically, but the orphanage I was placed in just so happened to know a guy. I died on the 5th of November, but almost immediately I was bitten and in a few days I woke up again, this time in the monster world as a vampire.

Turns out that orphanage and the one I attend now are working together, wammys takes monsters from the human word into the monster world, and saves dying kids by making sure they end up undead. That's why my foster dad looks so human, he is. One of the only humans I know in the monster world" L explained.

That was actually pretty interesting, sad but interesting. Wammys house worked with a human orphanage to get abandoned monster kids hiding in the human world into a safe place. AND saved deathly kids by turning them into undead monsters so they can have a chance at life. It was sweet, in a spooky way. The whole operation was clearly a very well kept secret in the human world because you'd never even heard of real monsters until you became one.

"Wow... that actually a pretty good system" you said.

"All kids deserve a second chance at a better life. I was lucky I got one" L replied.

So now, you knew. You were on the same page and knew each other's past's as humans. With such information, you could better protect each other from Light and his gang. And have the motivation to solve this ongoing crime, working together closer and bonded as lovers.

Monster Heart (L x Reader) • Death Note Monster High AU Where stories live. Discover now