Chapter 21 | stone cold

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You weren't scared of gorgons, it was kind of mean to be scared of someone for their species alone. But you were weary of their petrifying gaze, just in case their glasses got knocked off for something.

You hadn't met this gorgon on Matt and Mello's team before, you had seen him at the sports carnival playing with them but never actually talked to him.

So when he knocked on the club room door you didn't know what to expect, you just hoped he'd be willing to help.

"Uhh hey duded, M&M wanted me to come here?" He said, poking his head into the room.

"Yeah, some sit" L replied.

He closed the door behind him, tossing his bag down and taking one of the seats across from you and L.

"The others will be here in a second, they're always late on Wednesdays. They got freak-onomics on the other end of the school" you added.

"With Mr webbs?" He replied.

"That's the one"

"Ugh he sucks so bad. Had him last year, it was so boring and he'd tell us off over literally dropping a pencil"

The gorgon seemed chill, he was tall and his snakes were calmly poking out from under his hat looking around the room they'd probably never been in before. He had tinted glasses protecting his gaze, but the lenses were just clear enough you could see the yellow slit eyes he had. He wore the schools jacket, Tripp pants and a band shirt. And fittingly, his bottom lips were pierced with snake bites.

"I'm (y/n) by the way, that's L he's the leader" you introduced.

"I go to the same orphanage as the boys, that's how we all know each other" L added.

"Ooohhh you're the big bro they talk about? Well, unofficial big bro. Apparently you're hella smart" the gorgon replies.

"They call me their big bro? Huh..." L muttered, cracking a smile.

God that's so cute, how come you never hear it? Maybe they're shy about it.

The door opened, the younger trio piling in.

"DEUCE! You came, legend!" Matt said, holding his hand up for a high five.

"Duh bro, I don't ditch the casket ball bros requests" he replied, snaking Matt's hand to high five back.

"Ugh you're so loud, inside voices Matt" Near sighed, seeming in a bad mood.

"What's up with you rag doll" Mello sassed him.

Near dropped his bag and underneath the strap was a tear in his stitches, half his arms stuffing coming out.

"Uh oh, I'll get a needle" you said.

"Thread got caught on my locker... again" Near scoffed.

"Dude... does that like- hurt? Can you even feel?" Deuce asked.

"Not really, you could throw me across the room and I'd barely feel it. I have less pain than others"

Being made is stuffing and fabric and bought to life with magic would do that to you. It'd be pretty convenient if you ever wanted to get hella tattoos or piercings. Although for Near a tattoo would be more like embroidery than ink.

Sitting around the table, it was time to get to business. While you helped stitch up Near of course.

"Ok, so... how do we even explain this. It's going to sound insane but we kind of need your help with something" L began.

"Hit me, what is it?" Deuce replied.

"So... we kind of know who the killer is-"

"WOOAAHH- what? And you haven't told anyone because?"

Monster Heart (L x Reader) • Death Note Monster High AU Where stories live. Discover now