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Pakratt's pov-

I feel cold... Nothing is by me... all I can feel is the cold, obsidian ground. Then... I hear footsteps come towards me. I wake up. Herobrine?

"You took one strugled when I tried to kidnap you. But I still managed." Herobrine laughed. I tried to speak., but it has felt as if my vocals have shut down. He just laughed.

"What? Lost for words. Haha!" Herobrine laughed. I was pissed of to the limit.

"I-Ha-" I barely got out. As I say... I could barely speak.

"Since your not going to talk, I just want to say that the punishment for you being on the Mindcrack team is Hybridation. And, Guude and the others will be watching this." Herobrine told me. I can't believe it. Hybridation...

"I hope you enjoy the time left of yiu being normal, cause you won't be normal for long. Smile for the camera." He told me, laughed, and walked away. Oh how I hate him.

Guude's pov-

Avidya and I walk up Ridgewood Cliff, cautious of our surroundings. I was nervous, since Avidya had past refrences with Herobrine. I nudge his shoulder.

"You sure your going to be okay handling Herobrine Avidya?" I asked him. He just nods at me, his black glasses almost fall off his head. I laugh.

"Need to get them checked?" I asked. He laughed.

"Yeah. They've been bothering me as well as a few other Mindcrackers." He tells me. Just then, as we got farther up the cliff, we saw Herobrine. Avidya took a deep breath in and continued walking with me.

"Finally you two show- Oh... Haha. AvidyaZEN. So good to see you, after 6 years." Herobrine told him. Avidya just stared blankly. Herobrine smerked.

"So. Your probably wondering what I'm going to do with your beloved... haha... Pakratt0013." Herobrine said as we stepped closer towards him.

"You see. Many times before have I been humiliated because of background. Hybrids have always been one of my... best acts of revenge." Herobrine laughed.

"Pakratt0013-" I cut him off.

"PAKRATT!" I yell.

"Pakratt's greatest fear is Silverfish... isn't it? It would be a shame if he was indivertently turned into one. Haha. Hahahahahahahah." Herobrine laughed again. I growl.

"Your enjoying yourself aren't you Herobrine? Terrorizing us for years to come, even back when it was just Guude, Pause, Baj, and Beef. You've brought us down. But the more we go down, the more we inticipate to go up!" Avidya told him. I nod along.

"You don't see it do you? While I'm here talking to you. The next victim has already been plotted, and brought to my lair." What? What does he mean by that.

"Who's that?" I asked him. He laughed insanely. I had a feeling it was someone who I saw today.

"Remember when Kurtjmac and AnderZEL had that fight... let's just say part of that was my plan to separate them. So I could take them. One by one. Starting with Kurtjmac." Kurt... no......

"Leave. Them. ALONE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Herobrine just laughed at my rage and anger.

"Oh.. Hahahahahahahah... trust me. Your already to late." And with that. He dissapears. And the rock blow us starts to crumble. As I step back, I notice Avidya about to follow, when the ground below him collapses. He grabs the nearby ledge below me, and hangs on for his life. As I offer a hand, the ground below me falls too. And we both fall to the terrain below us.

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