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I tried to loosen my grip from Millbee's strong hooves. It was painting me to see Guude, Millbee, Doc, Seth, and a woman? Millbee took his hand off my mouth and I scoffed.

"Say a damn word and I swear it'll be your last!" She growled at me. I chuckled.

"What is a woman like you doing in a dangerous place like this?" I said keeping quiet. Something inside of me wanted me to keep quiet. Strange..

"None of your damn buisness dragon." Doc said beside me. I laughed.

"You know... master will find you. And master will kill you." Just then, I felt Millbee let go of me entirely. As I turned to look around I see the spider and Ghastvidya holding the five of them. I laughed.

"Told ya. Now... where were we?" I hopped downwards, my black wings covering my eyes from the entrance way, trying not to look at anything else. SpiderZEL and Ghastvidya dropped the five prisoners and put them by the entrance, trying them all to a pole.

"Now. Let's get this show on the road." Master smirked.


I sat down with Aurey in Jsano's hospital. She was crying, and she was terrified out of her mind. The guys hadn't returned yet, and she felt like something terrible had happened.

"Rel Rel? It's okay. I promise." I told her confidently. All of a sudden, I heard thunder from the distance. Rel and I, along with Jsano, walked out of the hospital and outside. Along with all the other Mindcrackers that were still around.

"What the-" Just then I felt a drop of water on my nose. I looked upwards and it started to pour, the sky becoming pitch black, and lightning struck, ingering some of the Mindcrackers. Shit. This is bad.

"EVERY MINDCRACKER TO THE HOSPITAL NOW! GRAB WHOMEVER YOU CAN, INGERED OR NOT, WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS STORM!" I heard Baj yell at us. Since Guude left Baj was in charge, not bad for a brittish man. We ran into the hospital, but I saw someone under one of the poles lightning struck down. It looks like.. oh no!

"Jsano, watch Rel Rel. I need to save someone!" I ran out of the building, hearing screams from behind me. I ran to the very uncauntious Arkas who layed below the pole, not breathing.

"Arkas? ARKAS?! Come on bud." I looked at his chest and I saw it slowly rise, and slowly fall. Good. Now all I have to do is make him cauntious.

"Arkas? Can you hear me?" I asked him. He nodded slowly. Greta he's up. I needed to get this thing off him before I can do anything. I saw Jims run over towards me. I signaled him to shelter, and he obeyed. I looked Arkas in the eyes.

"Arkas? This might hurt." I grabbed the pole, amd slowly started to lift it off his Abdominal. He yelled out in pain after feeling the cold rain shatter again the newly opened wound. I grabbed him arm and pulled it over my shoulder, lifting him to his feet. I managed to get him to Jsano, and he put him into one of the rooms. I took another look around, seeing someone else trapped in a burning building. Double Shit.

"Oh. God dammit. Baj!" I called over towards him. Baj ran towards me and I pointed to MC in the building. He nodded and we both ran over.

"MC! Can you hear me? This is Baj talking." MC lifted his head, cheeks stained with tears of fright. I sighed.

"MC this is Vechs. Can you move?" He nodded his head and got up slowly. This'll be a grave issue if we can't get MC out of there in time.

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