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I watched as Herobrine brings Pak into the room and shackles him again.

"With out warning, you will be mine. All of you. My question is who to do first.." Herobrine stares at all of us, then back at me.

"Nebris." I was grabbed, and was thrown against the far wall. I heard Avidya curse at him. My mind was spinning like a spinner, as I was being dragged down the glowstoned corridor.

"Glowstone..." I whimper. Herobrine laughs.

"Quite beautiful no? I made this around 10 years ago. When all the Glowstone was new. Now, when I turn you into your fear, you won't help but to love Glowstone." Herobrine told me. I went to grab my sword when Herobrine throws me into an obsidian cage, with iron bars around it so they could see me.

"The fun will begin shortly." I stand back up.


We were all in the meeting room, which we rebuilt after the fire.

"They're all gone! Anders, Paul, Avidya, Nebris, Pak, and Kurt! What are we going to do with out them?" I heard Pause ask panicked beside me. I sigh.

"Without them we barely have a chance. Unfortunately. But... there is a way to get them back. Doc and Anders before Anders was kidnapped was working on a secret project, incase of this happening." I told them. I was about to continue when all out comms beeped. It was all message. We played it.

"Greetings Guude." Herobrine!

"What do you want Herobrine? You have no rights on kidnapping Mindcrackers like this. Where are the others?" Herobrine laughed.

"One of them is just preparing now." Herobrine directs the cam to a cage in the middle of the room. In side it, was... oh no.

"NEBRIS!" He glares at us. His Brown eyes (deal with it) staring back to me, he was terrified.

"DocM and W92baj. How would you like to be the ones to see this?" I look at them, and I could see the horror in their looks.

"Let's begin, shall we? Hahaha!" Herobrine laughed.


I look at Guude who is looking to his left. I could tell something was going on.

"Let's begin, shall we? Hahaha!" Herobrine laughed. He flicked a lever and all I heard behind me was, crack. Crack. Crack.

Oh fuck! I thought to myself. I turn around and all I see is a baby Ender Dragon. I back away quickly in fear. I reached the end of the wall, and I am staring an Ender Dragon in the eyes.

"No no no no no no no!" I beg. I hear laughter coming from Herobrine.

"Get it away from me! Guude help me! PLEASE!" I shouted. It got closer and closer, until It was on my lap. I stand up and looked to my left. Then, I heard Herobrine shout.

"NOW!" Jolts of electricity bolted through the cage. It went through me and the Baby Ender Dragon. It felt as if I was being torn apart. I screamed, and fell to the ground on all hands. I felt something pierce through my back and I see the baby Ender Dragon dessolve. When it was all finished I layed on the ground. I felt.. stronger.. more powerful. But at the same time I was terrified of what had happened to me. I stood up and looked at Herobrine. He laughed maniacally.

"It worked! Ahahahahaha!" I was confused. Then, I saw a mirror on the east side of my cage. I looked at it, and gasped of what I now looked like. I had Black Dragon wings, scales coming out of my back, horns piercing out of my head, and worse of all, glowing dark purple eyes that illuminated my cage. I could not stand up, and I could not speak, all I could do was stand on all four, and stare. I hear Herobrine laugh, and I sat and cried. I was now the thing that had killed my entire family. I was now an Ender Dragon.

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