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I woke up slowly to someone shaking me. Avidya?

"Pak! Wake up!" I look to my side and see him. Then, I see the others. Kurt, Anders, and Paul.

"Pak what happened?" Paul asked.

"Hy-yb." I held my throat and I chocked a little, coughing. The others jolted upwards, but I put my hand up to say that I'm fine.

"Herobrine did something to his voice. Pak, they have Nebs!" Nebris?  What is he doing here. Then, I saw Herobrine carrying Nebs, and he had his eyes shut. His face was stained and he was sobbing. He threw him in, not bothering with the shackles. When he opened his eyes, the thing that bothered me was that they were no longer brown, but now a very dark color of purple.

"Nebris. What did he do to you?" Paul asked him.

"He... made the others... watch me. They took... the Ender egg... it hatched and... there was a baby dragon... when it got close to me... Herobrine used something.. to mix I believe... Me with the dragon.. the purple eyes.. they used to be the dragons.. I am now a dragon.. something that hurt my family a long time ago." Nebris cried. I put a hand on his shoulder. But then it was soon ripped off as I was being dragged my a wither skeleton. I heard screaming, and then Guude's voice.

"PAK!" I couldn't speak. But I could chock out one word.

"He-elp" I begged. Herobrine threw me in a dark room with a glass cage over top of me. In a jar, there was a Silverfish. I gulped at the sight. Herobrine let it go, and it slowly slithered after me. It's black eyes taunted me.

"Ge-et" I chocked. As it got close, Herobrine pulled a switch and as Nebs put it, electricity jolted through me and the silverfish. It dissolved amd I had aching pains go through me, like if I was being stabbed all over me.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I screamed. As it finished, Herobrine grabbed my neck and put a potion liquid down my throat. My throat felt better. I could talk again.

"What did you do to me?" I asked. Herobrine laughed.

"Look for yourself." I wobbly got up and walked over to the mirror. I was in horror. My entire body was pierced with grey thorns, and my eyes? They were pitch black. I stared. I looked back at Herobrine in anger. He just chuckled at my anger. I couldn't believe it. I am now a silverfish...


I watched helplessly as Herobrine took Pak away. He's going to do the same thing to him, as he did for me. Turn gin into his worst nightmare. I sat in the corner and sobbed some more.

"Why? Why can't this just be over now?" I asked myself. Then, we all heard Pak's agonizing scream. It had happened. A few minutes later, he returned with Pak and threw him in. He didn't look much different.

"You were right." He said. Wait.. What?!

"Your.. voice.." Kurt mentioned. Pak nodded. I could tell he was in much pain. Why? Why cause the suffering.

"Because. With out him, I wouldn't be here!" I grip my head in pain, and I fall to the ground.

"Who are you?" I asked the voice.

"I am you. And you are me. Ahahahahahahaha!" I couldn't take it anymore. I let myself fall into uncauntiousness.

Wow! First Nebs and now Pak. Who is this voice inside of Nebs head? Mmm. Only time will tell. Peace out Blazes!

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