Separation and Cooperation?

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All the Hybrid Mindcrackers that Herobrine had created were on that little hut. Everyone except Kurt and Pak. Poor Pak, Blame had already found him by now. Kurt? He's probably already gone insane. I would've if I was locked in the same place for over 3 days. Nightmare.

"Ao what ever happened to Pak? Did he just leave, or did we find a cure for the imprisoning?" Anders asked deviously. We all stared at him.

"Yes we did. None the less, he did." Guude pointed to Pause. Pause jumped a little at him being called out.

"T-Thanks Guude. I... think.." Pause stuttered. We all laughed at Pause's reaction, even I brought out a little chuckle. I snuggled a bit with Etho but then pushed away, for the voice in my head warmed me.

"Nebris... you are in danger. Herobrine is near, and he is angry." The voice warned me. I jolt upwards, and the others stare at me curiously.

"Is everything alright Nebs?" Avidya asked me. I shake my head, and step forward.

"The voice talked to me. Said that Herobrine is near. It also told me that we should be very cautious." I said. My voice got raspy all of a sudden. I started coughing, and it felt as if it was becoming more difficult to breathe. I was being surrounded by my fellow Mindcrackers, and then, let myself fall into uncauntiousness.


I must stay sane. I must stay sane. I must I must I must! I heard keys rattling down the hall, and I peeked up once more, to be blinded by bright lights. Herobrine opened the cell door, and walked in. I laughed, amd stood up.

"Welcome to hell Herobrine. I really hope your stay is pleasent!" I said maniacally. He laughed, and walked over towards me.

"It's good to see that you are in the spirit Kurtmac. But, I have a job for you. You see, there is someone I'd like you to meet." Herobrine told me. I turned my head, amd then straightened again as a jolt of pain rushed through me. I fell to the floor in AGONIZING pain. I could feel the ears on my head form, and the claws and the teeth, and the tail. I sat up in anger, growling like a mad dog. Yes. MAD DOG!

"What is it thus my master wants me to do? Sire! I never thought you'd use me. For thus I am not that dangerous." I told him. He shaked his head, and put a hand on my head.

"My boy, there is always room for a mad dog like you. I need you to kidnap the SpiderZEL for me, and if nessesary, tear him. Not to shreds, just let a little blood spill." I snarled at his words, but then nodded as I was teleported into spawn. I looked around and sniffed, and I could smell the scent of two people coming towards me. I believe it was Millbee and MC. Mm. Not.the people I wanted to see, but atleast I'll have a little fund before I go get the spider. I could see them talking about something, but nothing I could hear.

"I want to play!" I told them. I could see the both of them jump at my words, and then, straighten out as mill whispers something into MC's ear.

"Think you can scare us that easily Etho? Well your wrong!" I hear MC shout out. They laughed, and I let out a chuckle, which makes them quiver.

"You think I'm Etho? Your dead wrong you know. My name isn't even close to Etho's. No no no no no! Hah. You see. People like you call me KurtJWolf." I snarled, and I jumped out at the two.

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