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I watched those fools talk, so I swooped down again for another attack. I grabbed Baj and flew him up towards the clouds. He was sqwerming around, and making it harder for me to hold onto him.

"Put me down! I damand you-" Baj looked down. And chuckled in Fear. He looked back up to me.

"You want to be put down? I'll put you down. Baj. I'll put you away forever. What did those people down there tell you?" Baj shut his mouth and started playing with his mustache. I smiled and let go of him. I heard shouting, until I couldn't hear anything anymore. I flew back down and landed with on hand on the ground. The others looked at me.

"Where's Baj? What did you do to him?!" Guude yelled at me. I smiled and I heard Silverratt Chuckle behind me. I turned to him, then back towards the others.

"He wanted to be put down so I put him down. Help. Get back. Or I'll do the same thing that I did to Baj to you!" I thretened. Guude nudged Pause and Pause ran off. Leaving just Guude and Beef alone. I smiled, and Silverratt came up towards me.

"NOTHING BETTER THEN A GOOD FIGHT!" I shouted loud enough to make the others deaf. They covered their ears, and stepped back a little. Then, Pause came back with- Huh!

"I came as fast as I could." Etho told them. They smiled and turned towards me. I looked behind me to make sure Silverratt was still there, but unfortunately, he had fleed. I was just about to do the same, when I was grabbed and turned around. I was facing Etho.

"Etho? Help me. Get off!" I shouted. I tried getting loose, but I couldn't. He brought down his mask to reveal his beautiful lips. I stared, but u had to continue. I struggled to get free, but it ended the same as last time.

"Nebris. I need a favor from you. I know your still in there. Fight whatever is causing you to be like this. Fight it. Please. For me?" He asked. I smiled. But then, I felt pain rushed through me, I fell back to the ground. I awoke turned back to normal. I leaned upwards, grabbing my head. Then, I was offered a hand. I looked up to see the one I loved. Ethoslab.

"Etho? What happened? Last time.i remember is being with Team Nancy Drew. Ready to fight Silverratt. Then I had awoken here." Guude walked up to me, and pushed Etho aside for now.

"Where's Baj?" I asked him. Guude sighed desperately. He turned away, then turned back towards me.

"You had turned into Endbris. And you had grabbed Baj and flew him towards the clouds. You dropped him, and that was the last we saw of him." I stared in awe. I had.. killed Baj. I felt a tear form in an eye of mine which was quickly wiped away by Etho. He offered the hand again, and I gladly excepted. He pulled me towards him, which made me blush. Then, he pulled me in, and kissed me. After a few minutes, the kiss cleared, and we smiled.

"I love you Nebs." Etho told me.

"Your not the only one." I replied.


I teleported back home once they brought Etho in. I knew he'd be able to free Nebris from Herobrine's cast. I must do it on my own. As I was hiding in a building, I heard the door open. Then, someone else's voice.

"Pak? I know your in here." That was. Huh! That was Blame. The one I had always loved, but was to afraid to tell him. I stood up and looked at him, in the eyes. His mask was hiding his face. Blame was a skeleton hybrid. That's why I had always loved him.

"I thought you were in here. Pak. I know this is the worst time but, I love you. I loved you since the day you came. And you might not feel the same way, but you need to fight this. For me." He loves me. He actually loves me. I smiled, amd fall to the ground, with no pain. Just then, I was offered a hand. Blame had offered me his hand. I smiled, and grabbed it without hesitation.

"I.. I love you too Blame. I Was to afraid to tell you, thinking that if I asked you to love me, I'd make make a fool of myself-" I was cut off by Blame taking off his mask, revealing two wonderful blue eyes. Then, I melted into a kiss with him, that I had started. And we kept it that was for as long as we wanted the kiss to be.

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