In memory our fateful Ratt

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:3rd person:

Blame watched excitedly as Nebris came back carrying Pak. Blame hadn't seen Pak for weeks, and could finally hug him again. Blame watched as Nebris landed in front of him, but with a frown on his face. Blame looked at Pak's corpse and wondered why he hadn't moved to hug him yet.

"What's wrong with Pak?" Blame asked the cheater. Nebris pulled Pak's body off his back and put it on the floor in front of Blame. They could all see the tears form in his eyes, causing everyone to shed a tear along with him.

"Nebris.. is he..?" Blame asked the cheater. Blame watched as the others from the battle, along with another girl came out of the forest with sad faces.

"Herobrine is dead.. but we lost Pak." Guude told Blame and the other Mindcrackers. Blame held his head and a tear dropped onto the floor.

"I am truly sorry Blame." Avidya said shakily, putting a hand on the skeletons hybrids shoulder. Blame just nodded and looked at Pak's motionless body, his eyes still open. Blame smiled and took his index and middle fingers and shut Pak's eyelids.

"I-I hope you rest in peace, I prey that God will take care of you." Blame said with a sniffle. He kissed his boyfriend goodbye then let Guude take over.

It was the day of Pak's funeral. Blame was the very Last to show. Guude stepped up to the podium and cleared his throat.

"TODAY.. we join together for the funeral of one of Mindcracks best fighters.. and very close friend. Pakratt13 was killed in the line of duty after protecting us from the forces of Herobrine. Pak was a very close friend of mine.. and to a lot of others around here. And I am sorry to say that he's gone. You will be missed Pak." Guude took one more look at Pak's body and gave the Mike to Avidya, who stalled before saying this.

"I knew Pak very well.. and.. he was one of my best friends. The fellow Mindcracker saved my life, and one day, I promise you, I will do the same." Avidya said his goodbyes and then came up. Vechs with Aurey.

"We didn't know Pak that we'll, but of what we did know if him, he was kind, sweet, and one of the funnies guys I've ever met. We both hopes he rests in peace." They said goodbye and Blame stood up. He looked at the crowd.

"Pak and I loved eachother very much and.... when I first met him... I though he was a very nice person to be around with. He and I were hoping to wed.. but I know now.. he's in a better place." Blame walked over towards Pak's coffin, and closed him eyes. He sniffled and little.

"Goodbye Pak. I love you... and I won't forget you." Blame told the cold corpse of his lover. Blame walked away and a few minutes later Pak's coffin was put in the cemetery, and flowers were on the top. A sign labeled,

Here lies Pakratt13, died for the good of Minecraftia and Mindcrack. Died August 15, 2015.


Guy guys Blazzium here and I really hoped you enjoyed this book! Now your all probably wondering.

Alyssa, why are you leaving this series with with a cliffhanger?

Good question. I'm not. This book might be over, but the series isn't! Yea someone might be dead, amd they all this Heroweenie is dead, but that is not the case. Post is the comments if I should make a sequil, or perhaps a PREQUEL to explain how everything folded out in the past. So yeah guys I hope you all enjoyed, I am Blazzium, and I will see you doods later. Peace out Blazes!

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