The ones curse.

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I needed to forget what I saw. I needed to forget that Pak's curse had changed him entirely. I needed to forget how some people take offense that we're together. I needed to forget how Pak is now... different. After the talk with Etho, it seems as if I tried to believe he was lieing. But even Seth and Doc agreed with him. He'd been with them the entire time. Unfortunately. I walked over to my chest and opened it up. Inside was a picture of me and Pak, when we first got together. I must forget. Or maybe, he's past forgotten?


SpiderZEL rushed me, and I did the same. Unfortunately though, it didn't end out well for me. Silverratt ended up getting me from behind, and then, throwing me to the ground.

"Well well. You took some time to get to, but don't worry. It'll be alright when we're finished with you." SpiderZEL told me. I grunted.

"Master wants your talents. Master wants Ghastvidya. And unless you want pain, or somehow you can not be damaged, I suggest going quietly." Silverratt told me. I nodded but then grabbed SpiderZEL's leg. I dragged him on top of Silverratt, and ran off. But, then was stopped by Endbris and KurtJWolf!

"I don't think that's a nice way to treat your allies Avidya. Now all we need from you is your little power on our forces." Endbris told me. I stepped hack to try to find a way out of this mess, but to no avail.

"You've got nowhere to go my friend. Let's take him!" Just then, they attacked me, and the world goes black! When I woke up I was in a dimly lighted room, with the four hybrids around me. I was truly afraid.

"Look guys. He's awake. It's been a while since we knocked you out cold!" SpiderZEL told me. I got up then fell back as something pushed me down.

"I'm sorry. Master wants you to stay seated. That means no getting up." Endbris ordered. I heard them laugh, but then silence filled the room as Herobrine come in with Curious and Presinit. Herobrine looks me right in the eye while he slowly walks towards me.

"Hello Ghastvidya. How are you doing?" He asked me. I gulped but didn't say a word. Herobrine grabbed me and held me by the throat against the wall. I coughed and chocked as my air was escaping quickly, and soon, I had no air and was loosing visuals.

"Sleep my friend. Sleep. Ahahah. Ahahahahahahaha Hahaha!" Herobrine laughed as suddenly I felt a singe of pain rush through me. I yelped in pain, and was dropped. I could feel myself changing, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Ghastvidya. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." KurtJWolf said to me. I smiled my deathly grin, and remembered something.

"There's only one little hybrid left. And that is Paulchickenjr sir-" I told him. Presinit smacked me across the face, and I fell back.

"-And it would be my pleasure of making sure he comes back here. Alive." I stared at Presinit when I said that. Herobrine nodded, and I flew off.

Holy crap hey guys Blazzium here and this book has over 1k views. Like, this is incredible and I'd just like to say thanks. Now I dedicate all my hard work to XinXin3000 and RuddiestBubbles! Also Pres and Curious as well! And wow thanks once again, I'm Blazzium and I will see you dudes later. Peace out Blazes!

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