Nebris has been defeated...

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I watched as everything became calm once again. The fire had stopped spreading, and almost every Mindcracker was alright and cauntious.  Herobrine teased me about my father. He was a great fighter, but it circled around in my head to much. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Doc.

"Dude. Are you going to be alright? You know... ever since the accident with Herobrine you've been looking down. Ever since he mentioned your father." I send a glare at Doc.

"My father was a great man. I'm just merely worrying about who next is going to fall victim." Then, we heard diabolical Laughter, and the next thing I know, I'm being strangled by Herobrine. Then, everything g around me goes dark.


Me and the B team walked over to where Avidya was. As we were about to call down, we all noticed something. Avidya was no longer there. He was gone!

"Dammit. Herobrine must've gotten to him first. And with Avidya bleeding out, he wotlnt last long." Bdoubs told me. I nod and we all ride our horses back into the village. Doc and Baj run towards me.

"Herobrine got to him first." I tell them.

"Dammit. We're falling apart. Not only is Avidya gone, Nebris was just defeated a little while ago. As well as that makes four. Kurt, Pak, Avidya, and Nebris." Doc said. We were all terrified of what might happen to their brothers.


I felt setting shake me. It was Kurt. I had awaken in a cell, with six chains held to the wall. It was me, Kurt, and Avidya. My band brother. Then, I noticed another pair which was used recently.

"Who's was that?" I asked, pointing to the cuffs.

"Pak. Herobrine is planning to turn him into a silverfish. And all of us into our worst fears. Herobrine might turn you into a dragon Nebs." I remembered it like it was yesterday. My father was kled right in front of me.


×I looked over to daddy, who was fighting this beast in the sky. Uncle shot an arrow at a crystal on top of one of the black obsidian thingies. Then, it happened, uncle was pushed off the edge by the beast. Daddy was loosing hope. I grab a bow and shoot one at the beast. It was a direct hit. The beast roared and charged at me. I thought it was over. But then, I hear my father's cry of pain. I look at him and see that he had been killed. The dragon lands in front of me and I put the bow down and walked over to her. My Brown eyes (He had brown eyes before the acident) stared into her magenta eyes. I was scared. And she could tell easily. She wrapped my tail around me. And I had been there ever since I moved to Mindcrack×

I shaded a tear. Then, Herobrine come in carrying two more bodies. Anders and Paul. He shackled them to the wall and giggled. He closed the cell door and left us all alone.

Hey guys Blazzium back again. Now I'd just like to shout out to RuddiestBubbles! She had helped me out a lot so go and check her out! I'm Blazzium and I will see you Blazes later. Peace!

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