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There was only three of us left. Kurt, Paul, and I. I was nervous. No one, like Avidya, knows what I am truly afraid of. Now, with Herobrine here, he could reveal it to everyone. Nebris was still sobbing to himself in the corner a little. He calmed down. But now he has to deal with this voice in his head all the fucking time. Damn. Then, we all heard laughing coming down the hall way. Herobrine and a wither skeleton came, and the skeleton unlocked the door. To the cell.

"Well well well. Someone's having a difficult time. Ahaha!" Herobrine laughed.

"No thanks to you, you bastard!" I yelled at him. Herobrine's grin faded off his face, and nudged the skeleton.

"Mr ZEL. That's no way to treat someone who is wiser then you are. Thus, you must be punished. You will be the next lucky person to be transformed." I was forcefully grabbed and dragged along the path. I was thrown into a glass cell. I looked around, as I carefully stood to my feet. Nothing was around me that I could see. Then, I heard it.

"Shit.. no. No!" I looked up, and there hanging above me was a Spider, staring into my soul. I backed away, and when I reached to grab my axe, it was no longer on my belt.

"Fuck! It must've dropped back in the cell when Herobrine took me. Now, I have nothing to fight with!" I thought. I backed away slowly, but it attacked me. I flew out of the way. But then, it pounced on me. I heard a switch being pulled and I was hit with 1000s of jolts of electricity. The spider disappeared, and I was left, in the cage alone. As it finished I looked at Herobrine and he just laughed.

"Why don't you take a look mr ZEL." I ran over to the mirror, and looked at myself. I had red glowing eyes, and I could not be on my feet for much longer. I dropped on all four,  and I hissed at him. Herobrine's look was pleasable, and he was ejoying the torture. I hate him even more now.


Me and Pause sat beside eachother. (#VintagePause) Pause was nervous. Because of what Nebris, and Pak, and Anders and Avidya had looked like, what would Kurt and Paul look like as well? Pause stared at me and I looked at Guude.

"Herobrine we've had enough of this!" Guude yelled. Herobrine turned back towards them.

"But the fun is just beginning. I will make you watch as I turn Kurtmac into- oh! I forgot. You should already know. Ahahahahahahaha!" Herobrine was insane. More then we last encountered him. He was mad!

"Your insane." I said to him.

"Yes.. quite...well! I help you enjoyed the last of your friends Guude, because now... they'll be Mine!" Herobrine told us.

"Don't count on it Herobutt!" Pause joked. We all laughed.

"Oh.. you all think it's funny huh? Well. You know what I think is funny? Torture. And pain. And I have six of your friends that I can demenstrate that on. Let's start with Kurt shall we? Do you know why he loves dogs? Because he has the thanks that he doesn't have to be one. Well, now that's going to change. And I'm going to enjoy every last bit of it!" Herobrine snarled.

"And all of you are going to watch." Herobrine said.

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