Team Band.

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Baj's pov-

I ran over to Doc and Nebris to tell them about Avidya, our other band member. When I get there I almost faint.

"Woah Baj. What's the fuss?" Doc asked me.

"Avidya... he's hurt... lots of... rock crushed him... and Guude..." Their eyes widen and share a glance. I stopped panting for a moment and grabs their shoulders.

"We need to watch over the ingered Mindcrackers. Come on. Are you going to help me or not?" I asked, and the three of us get to work. We walk over to Mhykol who had a piece of plank sticking out of his shoulder. I sigh.

"We won't be able to do this for you Mhykol. Cam you wait a little longer?" Doc asked him. He nods and we walk over to Paul who had saved Pause from burning. Any got many burns.

"Thanks for... everything Nebris..." Paul thanked him. Nebris nods and he looks to his left. His eyes widen as they pull Etho out of a building, uncauntious. He looked at me and I nod, as he walks away three seconds later.

Nebris's pov-

I watched as they pulled Etho out of the Burning Covenuence Centre. Me and Etho are very close, and I was.veey much worried. I helped MC with his weight. He sighed.

"How bad?"  I asked him.

"Very. Many burns and many scrapes. Probably from trying to help the other Mindcrackers." He told me. I sigh.

"Some on. Let's bring it to the others. I'm sure they'll be able to help." We bring him over and I stare hardly at them. Baj puts a hand on my shoulder.

"He'll be alright." He told me. But that wasn't what I was worried about. I was worries at the white glowing eyes staring at me from the woods. Herobrine.

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