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I ran towards the hospital. I was late unfortunately. I saw Guude walk out with Aurey, Vechs, and Baj. I was stopped by Guude laughing.

"Oh, hey Blame. What's the matter?" Guude asked me. I stopped to catch my breath.

"Have you guys found out where the, guys, have gone to? It's strange that they could just disappear!" Just then, Etho walked towards us with Doc and Seth beside him. He looked at me and smiled.

"Have they found Pak yet Blame?" Doc asked me. I shake my head, and look at Etho with a nasty grin. He tilts his head to the side.

"Why did you kiss Pak?" I whispered. Etho was confused.

"What? I didn't kiss Pakratt. I have Pause and Beef. Why would I kiss your boyfriend?" Etho asked me. I bowed my head.

"I saw it with my own two eyes Etho. And I'm sorry if you didn't but.. where were you at 5:44?" I asked him. Etho chuckled at my question.

"At the Redstone Conservatory, helping out these two out with the Redstone mechanics. We were there from 4:39 to 7:54. Unfortunately we got stuck in weather, because it started to rain in the east side of Mindcrack." Etho told me. Vechs laughed.

"It wouldn't be mindcrack with out rain." They laughed. I bowed my head.

"So.. if you didn't kiss Pak, Etho.. that must mean that.." I cut off my own sentence.

Presinit and Curious are back." Guude said unsure. We all shared an unsure glance.

"We have to make sure that Avidya and Paul are protected." Guude ordered.


I was with Pause. My dream. No knew knows. Not even he. How should I tell him. Should I bring him to the cliff edge towards the sun set? No.. no. No no no no! He's my guard, not my Intrest in my own fancy!

"Avidya. Is there something wrong?" Pause asked me. I broke out of my line of thoughts, and I realized I was staring right at him.

"Um... nothing really.. besides you not letting me leave this box. I'm fine." Pause laughed at my comment. Just then, I was broken from laughter by the sounds of fighting. I ran outside the box, and saw Pause fighting off Silverratt and SpiderZEL.

"Avidya! Get inside. Now!" I nodded and ran inside of the box. I sat in the darkest corner, and waited. All I heard was the sounds of fighting, then all is heard, was Pause's agonizing screams. I ran outside and saw Silverratt with Pause in his hands, strangling him. They both looked at me. I felt a rage build up inside of me. I clenched my fists, and it almost felt as if they were on fire. I looked down and- HOLY CRAP! They were on fire! I smiled, and looked back up at them. I ran towards the two, and jumped upwards. SpiderZEL jumped onto a wall, but Silverratt was met face to face with my flaming fist.

"Come on Avidya. We won't hurt you, unless you give up to the power of Herobrine." SpiderZEL  told me. I laughed at his comment.

"If you want me, come get me!" I yelled.

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