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Chapter 1516: Mingwu Dynasty, Cheng Hefeng

Mo Yunjue's eyes are as deep as a black hole gleaming with earnest and deep light. For him, this information is nothing but a handy gesture.

He has never forgotten, and after only a little understanding of these things, he has already kept all this firmly in his mind.

In fact, he can judge many teams this way.

Just for some teams that are not threatening to them, he doesn't have to judge at all.

"There are a total of five large dynasty teams. We don't need to worry about the strength of the other two large dynasties.

The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is the three dynasty teams. After Feng Linghu gives birth to the cubs, they will surely rush up.

The mother Feng Linghu will fight back desperately. Our best way is to steal the cubs by surprise."

Mo Yunjue calmly analyzed the situation in front of him. Now, as their reputations are getting louder and louder, many practitioners no longer regard them as a medium-sized dynasty.

Therefore, many teams on the field are aware of their strengths, and it is no longer easy to surprise them as before.

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes are also filled with a dignified color. Contract beasts like Fenglinghu have always been wanted by everyone, and now that this opportunity appears it is naturally impossible to give up.

She has no idea about Feng Linghu. After all, the Beast King is already her contract beast, and this Feng Linghu is obviously not a grade.

What's more, the body of the white lion is getting bigger and bigger nowadays. She believes it won't be long before the white lion can become a mount.

Baili Hongzhuang perceives it carefully, and she finds that several large dynasty teams have glanced at them.

Obviously, these people know something about them.

Once they are warned, it is basically impossible to fish in troubled waters.

"Unexpectedly, the cultivators of the Tiangang dynasty will also come. It seems that this battle between the dragons and tigers will be even more exciting."

The leader of the Mingwu dynasty, Cheng Hefeng, had a face on his face. With a smile, his eyes quietly glanced over Baili Hongzhuang and others.

At the beginning, they were too far away from the location where the ruins were located, and it was already too late when they rushed past.

However, they were still very surprised that a team of a medium-sized dynasty could get the final inheritance of the ruins.

It stands to reason that there are relics or other treasures in the usual assessment competitions, which have always belonged to large dynasty cultivators, but this time there was an exception.

Therefore, they all have a certain degree of understanding with the team of the Tiangang Dynasty.

In fact, they have far more news from large dynasties than ordinary dynasties.

They knew that there were only five people in the Tiangang Dynasty team at first, but it gradually increased to eight people later.

This alone is enough to prove that Baili Hongzhuang and others are not from the middle dynasty.

However, what makes them most strange is that they have searched for the names of the inferior dynasties but have never seen the existence of the Youtiangang dynasty.

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