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Chapter 1541: What the hell is this?

Baili Hongzhuang and the others are very fast, rushing all the way to the front.

Fortunately, they also found a very secret cave before. They believe that no practitioners will know where it is. They only need to avoid them in that cave.

Everyone is showing their fastest speed. If they are caught by other cultivators, then it will be a real battle.

They are very clear in their hearts, as long as the practitioners of these dynasties think about it carefully, they will find that this problem has occurred because of them.

Because, since the monster group appeared, they have disappeared from everyone's sight.

As long as all these things are connected, the answer is self-evident.

As for later, if they encountered practitioners from other teams, they wouldn't care at all.

If they really wanted to fight at that time, then fight!

The practitioners of their Tiangang dynasty have never been afraid of any dynasty's team along the way!

After Baili Hongzhuang and others left for a while, the practitioners of the three major dynasties returned to their original places again.

It's just that, with their investigation, the figure of the Wind Spirit Tiger and the cub have long since disappeared.

"Damn it! What the hell was going on before?

I was inexplicably chased by a group of monsters, and all the ducks in my hand flew!"

Fang Wencheng sat directly on the ground, his face was full of anger, he only felt that this was his worst day in these years!

Being besieged by so many monsters before, not to mention exhaustion, the body was also seriously injured.

The most important thing is that Feng Linghu's cub is gone, but he doesn't even know what happened to it.

"This thing is too weird."

Yu Junfei frowned. He had never seen anything like this in his life for so many years. It was incredible.

"We should be following other people's way."

Cheng Hefeng's eyes flashed with the color of thinking. Before when they ran away, they also met other cultivators on the road, but those monster beasts seemed to have recognized and only attacked them, but it didn't seem like it saw the other cultivators.

This alone has proved a lot of problems, they must have been designed.

"What do we know?"

Fang Wencheng's face was covered with incomprehensible colors. From the beginning to the end, he never noticed anything happening. He was simply pitiful.

When the practitioners of the three major dynasties were puzzled, many teams also returned to their original places.

After noticing that the cubs were missing, they immediately looked at the teams of the three dynasties.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Fang Wencheng said coldly: "What are you looking at! If we got the cubs of the Wind Spirit Tiger, would we still stay here?"

After coming out, other cultivators also understood it one after another, and immediately smiled helplessly, unexpectedly losing the opportunity to get the cub.

Cheng Hefeng looked at the cultivators who kept coming back, and an idea immediately appeared in his mind.

"We wait here, as long as the cultivators chased by the monster beasts will definitely come back.

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