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Chapter 1546: Smart, Mo Yunjue

Baili Hongzhuang and the others stayed in the cave for a day and a night. After the white lion released its breath, the monsters did not dare to approach this area at all.

Everyone relaxed after waiting for all the cultivators to leave, but Mo Yunjue still reminded everyone that others might come back again.

At first, everyone didn't believe it, but this last fact clearly told them that all of this is true.

In the latter half of the night, the cultivators of the Mingwu Dynasty came back again, searched the area again, and finally left without discovering their existence.

Until later, there was no movement from other cultivators, and everyone was completely relieved.

"This Mingwu dynasty cultivator is really extraordinary, and Cheng Hefeng is really rigorous in doing things.

If it wasn't for Mo Yunjue to remind us, I'm afraid we would really be discovered."

Yuan Zhixin's face couldn't hide the sigh, who would have thought that some cultivators would come back and check again in the middle of the night.

Baili Hongzhuang was also a little bit emotional. As she expected, the practitioner of the Mingwu Dynasty, which belonged to the three dynasties, was smart and the most cunning.

The fact is indeed the case. This process of Hefeng's life makes people feel scared.

In comparison, the practitioners of the Qinglin Dynasty and the Yunjian Dynasty were much easier to deal with.

"Fortunately, we found this cave, otherwise we would really have to escape."

Bai Junyu's face was full of smiles and said, all this was really in the dark, it was destined.

If they hadn't discovered this cave accidentally, their situation would be much worse than it was now.

Listening to the word escape, the three beasts couldn't help but glanced at each other.

What they hate most now is running away!

In the desert world, they will experience an escape almost every day, and it is really a life-and-death escape.

"Then what shall we do now? Shall we stay where we are?" Yuan Xiaoman couldn't help but asked out loud.

Mo Yunjue's eyes are filled with thoughtful light, and his voice is deep and confident, "The best thing we can do now is to stay here.

The cultivators of various dynasties will not be found in the forest. They will definitely be waiting for us near the city. Once we go to the city now, we will definitely be found.

Only staying here is the best choice."

Hearing that, Dongfang Yu couldn't help but frowned, "So, shall we stay here all this time?"

With the unwillingness of the three dynasties to give up, it must be impossible to leave the city in a short time.

In this way, they are also trapped here.

"We need to stay here for the time being. I believe that the three major dynasties won't last long in the city and will leave soon."

The eyes of Baili Hongzhuang are bright and bright, and the practitioners of the three dynasties are full of confidence in themselves.

Because they will all appear in one place in the end.

As long as the cultivators of the three major dynasties find them before this, then the wind and spirit tiger still belongs to them.

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