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Chapter 1646: Drunk with Hongzhuang

When Baili Hongzhuang and her party came out of Yunyaju, it was getting late.

Most people in Canglan City have already rested. They haven't relaxed for a long time. After such indulgence today, they all walked to the special enrollment dormitory drunk.

Almost only Hei Mu was left sober among all the people present.

Because he had to take care of five beasts, he didn't drink alcohol before, but he was dragged by Dongfang Yu and others to drink a lot.

At the end, he was also a little dizzy, but the situation was a bit better than the others.

Everyone wandered all the way back to the special enrollment dormitory.

Hei Mu helped everyone open the door. Bai Junyu entered the room and lay directly on the bed. Hei Mu then put Xiaohu in the room, and then closed the door.

Xia Zhiqing and others also returned to their houses one after another. Hei Mu opened the houses of Di Beichen and Baili Hongzhuang, and Baili Hongzhuang went into the house dizzily and lay down. She just felt extra comfortable in bed.

Di Beichen also walked into the room, he only felt that he was floating on the clouds until he lay on the clouds.

Hei Mu also walked into the room, and the three beasts were lying tightly on him, not willing to come down at all, and he was very helpless.

Hei Mu fell directly on the bed, and the three beasts were very happy sleeping beside him.

It was not only Blackwood and others who drank wine, but the three beasts also drank wine.

They have always been curious about what kind of wine you are drinking and how it tastes, so they also tasted it.

It's just that after a taste, they only feel that their entire heads are dizzy and their bodies become limp, so they are particularly happy.

Baili Hongzhuang felt a little cold at night, and couldn't help but want to find a quilt to cover herself, but when she reached out and touched for a long time but couldn't find the quilt at all.

In the process of searching, Baili Hongzhuang found a warm place beside her, and even approached past it.

On this cold winter night, she suddenly found a warm stove. Baili Hongzhuang felt extremely happy. She hugged the stove tightly and fell asleep, and she felt that the stove was tightly holding her.

The night gradually faded, the sun rose slowly from the horizon, and the first morning light shone on the earth.

Baili Hongzhuang woke up leisurely, her slender willow eyebrows furrowed slightly, she drank too much alcohol last night, and she woke up in the morning and her mind was still dizzy.

Opening her eyes in a daze, Baili Hongzhuang was about to get up but suddenly found a handsome face in front of her, close at hand.

Seeing this scene, Baili Hongzhuang immediately came to her senses, and she couldn't help being stunned.

A closer look, she realized that she was actually sleeping in the arms of Di Beichen?

Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help but remember that she felt cold when she slept last night. She had been looking for the quilt, and finally found a heater and hugged him to sleep.

Is it possible that the stove is Di Beichen?

Thinking of this, Baili Hongzhuang's face couldn't help being stained crimson, and her heart thumped.

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