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Chapter 2331: Magical, Ice World

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the blood all over the place before her eyes, and her eyebrows were slightly frowned. According to her previous experience as the head of the family, this arrangement must have a deep meaning, and it shouldn't be nothing.

Could it be that the test in the battle is so difficult? So the major forces have taken too much pains to let the cultivators gain experience.

is illogical.

In Baili Hongzhuang's mind, only thinking about this is illogical. If it is nothing to solve such a tree monster, then it would be too difficult to get the treasure of this battle.

Thinking of this, Baili Hongzhuang continued to walk forward until she walked into the place where the tree demon was before.

The ground is full of viscous blood, and it feels uncomfortable to walk in.

When everyone saw Baili Hongzhuang still stubbornly walk to the place where the tree demon was before, their expressions couldn't help showing a bit of helplessness. It seems that the Young Palace Master could hardly believe this fact!

However, what happened next made everyone's eyes wide open.

Because Baili Hongzhuang disappeared from everyone's eyes out of thin air!

Seeing this scene, Li Yangbing couldn't help rubbing his eyes, only wondering if he had read it wrong.

However, there is indeed no Baili Hongzhuang in front of him.

"What's going on? Why is the Young Palace Master missing?" Li Yangbing said in shock.

Long Xuanjing looked at the place where Baili Hongzhuang disappeared, frowning and said: "There must be a problem here!"

Listening to Long Xuanjing's words, everyone looked at each other. And immediately took up their weapons and approached the place where Baili Hongzhuang had left before.

After Baili Hongzhuang walked into the place where the tree demon was originally located, she found that she had walked into an icy world, and her body went straight down uncontrollably!

In the process, Baili Hongzhuang discovered that it was a tunnel made of ice, smooth and firm, like a slide, and she would slide all the way down from above.

The three beasts were also behind Baili Hongzhuang, and they exclaimed at first, but when they saw the crystal clear ice world in front of them, their eyes brightened.

This slide is very long, Baili Hongzhuang slid all the way to the bottom and then stood up.

The three beasts fell immediately, but they liked you to fight for me for the three weekdays, so now the three directly smashed together, suddenly dizzy.

Xiao Hei scratched his head in dissatisfaction, and then jumped onto Baili Hongzhuang's shoulder.

"Master, what is this place? It looks so amazing!"

The little black eyes are full of novelty colors. I didn't expect this to appear in the place where the tree demon is. A magical place, really amazing!

Baili Hongzhuang looked at everything in front of her, and saw that the surrounding mountains were made of ice, like ice sculptures, exquisite and magnificent.

The cold air kept pouring into her body, Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help taking out the cold-proof cotton clothing from the Qiankun's bag and putting it on her body.

"The ice here is not simple."

Baili Hongzhuang muttered to herself, logically speaking, she is now strong enough to withstand the wind and cold, but in the face of this cold ice, her strength is unable to stop the erosion of the cold, which shows its power.

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