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Chapter 2321: Power, black and white!

As Baili Hongzhuang expected, there was no danger in the second half of the night, until the sky gradually brightened, and everyone's hanging hearts were completely let go.

Although the previous battle with Shuteng was thrilling, most of everyone's injuries were skin injuries.

As for being sucked blood, everyone can only recover through hematopoietic pills.

Fortunately, before participating in the battle, everyone prepared a lot of pills for emergency.

These medicines are prepared for them by the Promise Palace. In such a time of fighting for glory for the palace gate, the palace gate is never stingy and prepares all the medicines that may be needed for them.

In this case, everyone's recovery speed is also very fast.

Long Xuanjing and others have withdrawn from the cultivation state. After the battle last night, the relationship between them has become closer.

After all, every cultivator was rescued by his teammates when he was entangled by trees and vines.

Therefore, many barriers and grievances have gradually disappeared in this situation.

After this night's events, everyone's views on Baili Hongzhuang changed again.

Not to mention that they hadn't found anything before, but Baili Hongzhuang and her contract beast were able to spot the danger approaching for the first time, which proved that Baili Hongzhuang was much more vigilant than them.

What's more, the other two monsters of Baili Hongzhuang are also very amazing.

Although they have now recovered their petite and cute appearance, no one dares to look down upon these two contract beasts.

The combat power they showed yesterday was equally amazing!

Nowadays, everyone also fully understands why Baili Hongzhuang can become the young palace lord selected by the palace lord.

At least, the gap between them and Baili Hongzhuang is not a star and a half.

There are people outside of people, and there are days outside of heaven. This sentence is really true.

Baili Hongzhuang is not only talented, powerful, but also extremely clever.

In the panic like that last night, Baili Hongzhuang was able to direct them in the face of danger. There is no doubt about this leadership.

Is such an extremely outstanding woman, her character is not as arrogant and domineering as an ordinary goddess, and they are truly convinced at this moment.

Everyone took some dry food and ate them. The consumption was huge last night, and today they are really hungry.

After everyone had eaten their food, Baili Hongzhuang looked at everyone and said, "How is your recovery?"

"No problem!" Soundtrack.

Sure enough, the exhausted color on everyone's faces has disappeared, and their vigorous looks have been restored.

As the cultivator's strength has improved, his body's recovery ability has also been continuously improved, and ordinary injuries will soon be able to recover.

Baili Hongzhuang's gaze fell on Li Yangbing, and Li Yangbing's eyebrows were still a little weak.

His consumption was too great last night. Although hematopoietic pills can speed up hematopoiesis, it can't restore all of his blood in a short period of time.

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