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Chapter 1741: Miss, Hongzhuang

"Sect Master, this is really destined in the dark. I didn't expect that Girl Baili who is the sweetheart of the Young Sect Master, to also be your granddaughter."

Qin Ai He narrowed his eyes and smiled all over his face, which was really a pleasant thing.

He had known the Sect Master for so many years, and had always known that the Sect Master had a sweetheart when he was young, but they have never been together for various reasons.

He just felt very sorry for him about this.

A hero like the suzerain should not encounter such a thing.

He never thought that the suzerain already had a granddaughter, which meant that the suzerain also had a daughter, which was really surprising!

"Yes, things in this world are a coincidence."

Situ Yan sighed quietly, and now he thinks of all this and feels a little unbelievable.

If it hadn't been for that **** thing, and he and Di Beichen to talk Jiu Yanhuan about the past, he's afraid he wouldn't have known that Hongzhuang is his granddaughter until now!

All this is arranged by God!

"This is God's destiny to let the lord and girl Baili recognize each other."

Gu Jingqing smiles sincerely, this is really a great event of Tiangang Sect!

In this way, Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen are a natural pair!

One is the granddaughter of the suzerain who has been separated for many years, and the other is the proud apprentice of the suzerain. The combination of the two is undoubtedly the best.

He believes that once the news goes out, it will never happen again with some people questioning the mismatch between Baili Hongzhuang and Young Sovereign.

Because the two are extremely compatible regardless of their identities and others.

"Sovereign, you should celebrate the joy of finding your granddaughter back. After a while, it's better to let others know the true identity of Baili girl."

Qin Ai pondered for a moment, and slowly voiced.

It is extremely important for the lord to retrieve his granddaughter.

Only solemnly deal with this. Baili Hongzhuang will be able to get her name right after the news spreads.

She is not a practitioner of a small dynasty, but a dusted pearl!

Listening to Qin Ai's suggestion, Situ Yan raised his right hand slightly and stopped Qin Ai's thoughts.

"It is not yet that time. When the time is right, it will not be too late for you to prepare for all this.

Now, I only told the two of you about this news. You must not leak this news out."

Situ Yan said solemnly, there is nothing wrong with Hongzhuang's identity.

It's just that he's worried that once the news goes out, Yue Siqing will know right away. This matter, then, may be extremely detrimental to Mu Lingbing and Lan Yunxiao.

Listening to Situ Yan's warning, Qin Ai and Gu Jingqing both had a hint of doubt in their eyes, and then they nodded seriously.

"Sovereign, rest assured, we will never leak this news!"

Situ Yan nodded slightly and glanced at Qin Ai and Gu Jingqing with satisfaction.

Qin Ai and Gu Jingqing are both his confidants, and the reason why he chose to tell them now is also so Hongzhuang's cultivation in Tiangang Sect will be more smoothly.

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