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Chapter 2491: Terrible, Lan Qingyan!

The Lan family.

Lan Qingyan returned with Lan Borong. As soon as she appeared in the teleportation formation, everyone in the Lan family was already welcoming her.

It's just that, looking at the people who greeted her, Lan Qingyan and the children behind her didn't have any happy faces, but their faces were very ugly.

Their results in this competition are the worst in the history of the Lan family, and the process is extremely embarrassing.

Since the end of the battle, they have been thinking about how to explain after returning.

That kind of situation is really hard to tell.

They were full of confidence before participating in the battle for the deer. They just wanted to kill all quarters in the battle for the deer. They were so majestic and prestigious. Unexpectedly, they came back with a disgraced face.

Whenever they thought about the look their family members were looking forward to, they felt shameless to see others, not to mention that they were mocked by competitors. Just thinking about it made their heads blown up.

Lan Borong's gaze looking at Lan Qingyan and others was also a bit complicated. He also found it incredible when he knew this achievement. Now back to this huge Lan family, everyone's thoughts can be imagined.

It's just that they have to face it sooner or later. This achievement couldn't be concealed at all.

What's more, Lan Qingyan's injury is so serious that she has to recover as soon as possible.

Three months later, it is time for the Ice and Snow Shentan to open. Lan Qingyan must adjust her state during this time before she can get the best effect in the Ice and Snow Shentan.

When the elders and children of the Lan family came to meet Lan Qingyan and her group, their expressions changed a bit.

Just looking at Lan Qingyan's missing arm, they already had a bad feeling in their hearts.

With Lan Qingyan's strength, she would come to such a stage in the battle. It seemed that the competition in this battle was extremely fierce.

Lan Qingyan looked at the elders whose expressions had become embarrassed, and her heart was even more upset for no reason.

Where did she Lan Qingyan ever been so ashamed since she was a child?

It's a loss of face!

In the next instant, Lan Qingyan said directly to Lan Borong: "Elder, I am sick and go back to rest first. Please help me deal with these things."

The voice fell. Lan Qingyan didn't wait for Lan Borong's answer, turned around and walked directly toward her residence.

She doesn't want to stay here to face the suspicion of everyone. This time the battle is the biggest shame in her life!

Seeing Lan Qingyan just leave like this, Lan Borong couldn't help sighing. Until now, Lan Qingyan still had such a child's temper.

No matter what happened, as long as she didn't want to face it, she would just leave.

It's just that, not every time someone was willing to help her clean up her mess.

Over the years, it is because Lan Qingyan is the owner of the colorful god orbs, her aura is so shiny, everyone is used to praising her, so she has the courage to connect with these things. But she neither has the patience to admit mistakes.


As Lan Qingyan left, the expressions of the other Lan children who participated in the battle became even more ugly.

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