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Chapter 1691: Why do you like Hongzhuang?

"Palace Master Jade, don't worry, I will take care of Hongzhuang."

Di Beichen looks serious, he understands that Yu Linfeng is treating him from the standpoint of Hongzhuang's master and will say something like this.

Even if he wasn't told by Yu Linfeng, he will definitely take good care of Hongzhuang.

Because Hongzhuang is his life.

The changed in Di Beichen's expression never escaped Yu Linfeng's eyes. After seeing the expression of Di Beichen, Yu Linfeng was also a little surprised.

It seems that Di Beichen really likes Baili Hongzhuang.

As a man, he can judge the true heart of Di Beichen from some of the performances of Di Beichen.

"If this is the case, then there is no problem."

Yu Linfeng smiled faintly, then turned to Baili Hongzhuang, and said, "Baili girl, I want to talk to the Emperor Sovereign about something."

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang was taken aback for a moment, and she couldn't help but glanced at Di Beichen.

Di Beichen nodded slightly, and after indicating that there was no problem, Baili Hongzhuang said, "Then I will go out first."

Yu Linfeng nodded, his eyes soft and loving.

Nowadays, he feels more and more that he has a close relationship with Baili Hongzhuang, perhaps because of blood relationship.

No matter what aspect he is in, he will definitely help Baili Hongzhuang complete what she is going to do.


After the gate of the meeting hall was closed, Yu Linfeng looked at Di Beichen.

"Young Master Emperor, I am very surprised why are you with Baili girl."

Yu Linfeng's expression is indifferent, and his tone is even more arbitrary, as if he was just asking casually.

Lan Yunxiao and his wife have not been able to take care of Hongzhuang. He is the elder of Hongzhuang.

He thought he would never have any relatives in his life, but now it is a kind of fate to see Hongzhuang.

"When I was forced to leave Tiangang Sect, I met Hongzhuang in Fengboguo. She is very special. She helped me when I was most desperate."

Di Beichen slowly spoke out, the time when his legs were disabled was indeed his worst time.

The Hongzhuang at that time was the sunshine that warmed him, and until now, the feeling is still deep.

He will never forget it in this life.

Yu Linfeng's eyes changed a little, and he also knew what happened when Di Beichen was forced to leave.

Gu Taihong just handed over the investigation information to him a few days ago.

When he knew the process of the acquaintance between Di Beichen and Baili Hongzhuang, he also felt that they were destined in the dark. Otherwise, as Di Beichen, he's afraid that it would be impossible for him to know Baili Hongzhuang in this life.

Even if Baili Hongzhuang participated in the assessment contest, she would have joined the Promise Palace as she wanted to.

In this way, Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen are afraid that they will never have any intersection in their lifetime.

However, this seems to be arranged by God. Di Beichen happened to go to Fengbo Country and married Baili Hongzhuang in Fengbo Country.

Logically speaking, when Rao Shidi Beichen went to Fengboguo, the woman he met was probably just an ordinary woman.

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