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Chapter 2316: What the hell?

Hearing the words of the white lion, Baili Hongzhuang looked around even though she had withdrawn from the cultivation state.


The subtle sound was transmitted to Baili Hongzhuang's ear, just like the subtle sound of a viper crawling on the ground.

It's just that the number of these sounds seems a bit surprising.

"Is it a monster beast?"

Baili Hongzhuang frowned slightly. If it was a sneak attack by a cultivator, there would be no such sound. The only possibility is that a group of monsters are working. near.

The white lion shook his head, "I didn't feel the breath of monsters, but I always felt weird."

As soon as these words came out, Baili Hongzhuang's doubts became even greater. If it wasn't a monster, then this situation would be a bit too strange.

"Everyone, be careful, there seem to be some unknown objects around here."

Baili Hongzhuang no longer delays, even if everyone is called out, everyone is not yet fully aware of the battle and understands that all situations must be more careful.

Everyone withdrew from the cultivation state one after another, looking at Baili Hongzhuang in doubt, "Young Palace Master, what happened?"


Baili Hongzhuang made a sound-silenced motion, beckoning everyone to listen to the surrounding sounds carefully.


The subtle voice gradually approached, and everyone heard the voice, and the contract beasts also responded.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Baili Hongzhuang and White Lion. Baili Hongzhuang and White Lion's hearing are much more sensitive than theirs.

Before they had heard any movement, Baili Hongzhuang and Baishi had already heard it, and the gap was visible.

Baili Hongzhuang and White Lion obviously paid attention to this. They stayed in the desert world for too long, and they always rested in the desert at night.

In addition, the monsters in the desert world are very good at sneaking from the sand, so over time their hearing has also increased a lot, as long as there is a little movement, they will be able to spot it immediately.

After hearing this sound, everyone frowned, "What sound is this? It doesn't feel like a human or a monster."

"This sound seems to have come a lot. Ah, are we in trouble?"

For a moment, everyone took up their weapons and watched everything around them.

In just two minutes, everyone could see what was coming before them.

It's just that, when everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaim.

"Oh my god, what the hell is this?"

Baili Hongzhuang looked at what suddenly appeared in front of her, her eyes filled with shock.

This is a large vine. The strange thing is that the vine is not green, but black.

In this dark night, it's hard to tell.

The most important thing is that this tree and vine is like a living thing, swiftly attacking Baili Hongzhuang and others!

"Be careful, everyone!"

Baili Hongzhuang's figure swept away and directly lit the torch in her hand. In this dark night, everyone couldn't see the specific situation. It's very difficult.

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