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Chapter 1571: Crash, Fang Wencheng

The cultivators in the city were dumbfounded, and no one would have thought that the cultivators of the Tiangang Dynasty were so powerful.

Originally, some cultivators who had the same idea to snatch the wind and spirit tiger, after seeing this scene, they were deeply grateful that they hadn't taken any action before. Otherwise, wasn't this purely looking for abuse?

"The strength of the practitioners of the Tiangang Dynasty is too powerful! The practitioners of the Qinglin Dynasty are not opponents!"

"The combat power of the Tiangang Dynasty no longer belongs to the medium-sized dynasty. This is clearly the strength that a very large dynasty will have!"

"The practitioners of the Mingwu Dynasty and the Yunjian Dynasty are really wise. They left in such a free and easy way. I didn't understand before. I understand now."

"Among the three dynasties, the cultivators of the Qinglin Dynasty are the most annoying. I don't know how many cultivators are unhappy with Fang Wencheng. The cultivators of the Tiangang Dynasty took action to solve it. I don't know how many cultivators are crying out in their hearts!"

Everyone looked at the battle in front of them, and now there is no suspense about the victory or defeat.

The combat power of Baili Hongzhuang and others is amazing, and the three contract beasts are even more agile and powerful, and they don't give their opponents a chance at all.

Even, the three Wind Spirit Tigers are staying quietly watching the show at the moment.

In this kind of scene, everyone is really speechless.


Baili Hongzhuang knocked down the cultivator in front of her, and the sword plunged directly into the opponent's body.


The glazed sword is drawn out, crisp and neat, the glazed sword body is like art, not stained with blood.

Baili Hongzhuang directly took off the opponent's Universe Bag, and assigned the opponent's points to herself.

Looking at the skyrocketing points, a smile filled the pitch-black phoenix eyes.

If her judgment is good, she has a lot of points now, and there will be no problem with the hundreds of rankings!

After Baili Hongzhuang solved her opponent, she did not continue to make a move, but waited on the other side not far away.

She believes that with everyone's strength, the opponent can be solved.

When the onlookers saw Baili Hongzhuang just standing aside regardless, their expressions changed a bit.

They know that it is not that Baili Hongzhuang does not help her opponent, but that she has absolute confidence in her teammates!

This kind of self-confidence, few cultivators in the entire assessment competition can have it.

The golden sun shines on Baili Hongzhuang's body, the white figure becomes more graceful and moving, and the delicate face is fascinated by Qingcheng's smile, which is shallow, but it makes people have a deep aftertaste.


Mo Yunjue hit Fang Wencheng directly with a palm, his handsome and unparalleled face was full of indifference.

The sun is shining, but everyone still feels the coldness when they see Mo Yunjue, which is surprising.

Fang Wencheng's face turned pale, he never thought that he would be defeated by the cultivators of the Tiangang Dynasty!

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