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Chapter 2001: Arrival, Yue Tiancheng

The next day, Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen left the Promise Palace and embarked on the journey to the Yue family.

The Yue family is far away from the Promise Palace. Therefore, Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen also spent a lot of time on their way.

Whether it is Baili Hongzhuang or Di Beichen, they all want to reach Yue's house quickly, and only want to rescue Lan Yunxiao and Mu Lingbing quickly.

The closer you get to Yuetian City, the more excited Baili Hongzhuang's heart becomes.

Until now, she still doesn't know what her parents look like.

The first separation took place more than ten years ago.

In the eyes of Baili Hongzhuang, Lan Yunxiao and Mu Lingbing have paid so much for her, and she only hopes to repay them well in the future.

Half a month later, Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen looked at the three characters written on the city gate in front of them, their eyes filled with complicated light.

Yuetian City, this is a city within the scope of the Yue family, and there are many people with the surname Yue inside.

These people are often collateral branches of the Yue family, passed down over time, and formed such a city.

So, whenever there are some outsiders here, it will always be very popular.

However, Baili Hongzhuang and others are not stupid.

Killing Tianlou has been listening to news for so many years, and they are especially experienced in handling such things.

A long time ago, they came to Yuetian City in the name of asking the Yue family to see a doctor.

With the ability to kill the sky, naturally anyone with any strange disease can find it.

The price quoted by the Yue family after seeing the person with this disease is also extremely high, which is tantamount to a lion's open mouth.

The people in Killing Tianlou pretended that they couldn't afford enough money, so they have been waiting in Yue Tiancheng.

As for Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen, they are the family members who came to give money.

At this moment, Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen are just ordinary people after changing their appearances. In order to prevent people from discovering, Di Beichen even deliberately hides his aura, and there is no more of that shocking aura.

When they came to Yuetian City this time, the success or failure of this mission is in one fell swoop, so they must ensure that they cannot be noticed by others.

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the city in front of her, her eyes complicated and cold, but it was fleeting, and she was never noticed by others.

At first, her parents also came here with her to ask for help from the Yue family, but in the end they were chased and killed by the Yue family.

Finally panicked and left her in Fengbo Guo, and then she was taken away.

So, this city is a city of enemies to her.

Di Beichen seemed to feel Baili Hongzhuang's emotions, and then patted Baili Hongzhuang's shoulder, silently comforting her.

He knows how much Baili Hongzhuang's psychology hates the Yue family, but it's not time to act yet.

Feeling the comfort of Di Beichen, Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, her expression has returned to normal.

Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen walked into the city together, Mo Yunjue had already told them the location of the inn.

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