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Chapter 1806: See you again, Dongfang Yu

Xia Zhiqing has been following Baili Hongzhuang for a long time, and the men she met were attracted to Baili Hongzhuang at a glance, and few people would notice her.

After all, the boss is so good, she attracts everyone's attention like the sun no matter where.

She never thought that someone else would notice her now, which really surprised her.

However, she was also a little bit happy and surprised.

At least, she still has someone.

Since this period of time, she has always been arrogant, thinking that she may be the existence of the ugly duckling.

After a conversation with her boss today, plus the current scene, she only felt a little more confident in herself.

Compared with Xia Zhiqing's happiness, Bai Junyu's face turned gloomy.

Xia Zhiqing is getting more and more beautiful nowadays, and more and more people have noticed her.

However, he has been standing still, and there is a real sense of insecurity in his heart.

If he continues to procrastinate like this, will Zhiqing be chased by other men?

As soon as he thought of this, Bai Junyu's face turned ugly. This was not what he wanted to see.

He thought that this time he could practice with Xia Zhiqing in the Vermillion Bird Palace to get them closer, but now it seems that in this Vermillion Bird Palace, his opponents are many!

It seems that he has to hurry up and act.

Baili Hongzhuang casually looked back and saw Bai Junyu's gloomy face, and the smile in her eyes became more intense.

From this point of view, she doesn't need to interfere, they will be able to solve the matter by themselves.

After walking for a while, the three of Baili Hongzhuang finally successfully arrived at the Resource Hall.

The Resource Hall is also a palace, divided into three floors, which looks very solemn and noble.

Any arrangement highlights the background and makes people afraid to be too casual.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the three people of Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help but feel a touch of emotion again.

Any place in Tiangang Sect gives them an extremely amazed feeling. This kind of mastery can only be seen in the martial arts.

Just as the three of Baili Hongzhuang were about to enter, a familiar voice rang behind them.

"Hongzhuang, you are also coming to the Resource Hall!"

Listening to this voice, even if they didn't look back, the three of Baili Hongzhuang knew that Dongfang Yu and Gong Shaoqing were both here.

The three of them turned their heads and saw Gong Shaoqing, Dongfang Yu and Pan Zimo walking over together.

Pan Zimo obviously got along well with Gong Shaoqing and Dongfang Yu. After all, they helped each other in the assessment competition.

"It just so happens that there is nothing to do today, we naturally came to the resource room to receive resources." Baili Hongzhuang smiled.

"How do you feel in the Vermillion Bird Palace?" Gong Shaoqing asked calmly.

Xia Zhiqing smiled slightly, "When I first saw the Vermilion Bird Palace, I felt quite shocked, but I think the Gangzong is not very restrictive on the disciples this day, and we can still visit frequently in the future."

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