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Chapter 1936: Concern, Nangong Wu

It's just that, what makes Yu Linfeng a little confused is that he has never understood the other two monsters.

He has never seen such a contract beast before, and he has never seen such an existence even when he reads books, which is really weird.

He didn't know how Baili Hongzhuang made a contract with these two contract beasts, and the black and white looks very strange. If he hadn't seen Baili Hongzhuang next to him, he would have I don't know what they are.

"It seems that Hongzhuang has a lot of cards." Nangong Wu said with a smile.

For Baili Hongzhuang, she was still a little worried.

After all, Baili Hongzhuang is now practicing with the core disciples of the Promise Palace, and her cultivation is the weakest among the core disciples.

If someone deliberately troubles Baili Hongzhuang, it is not easy to solve.

However, it now seems that all her worries are overwhelming.

Baili Hongzhuang solves all this without any difficulty at all.

Her strength is stronger than they thought.

"Chu Yingfei's body has been processed?" Yu Linfeng asked aloud.

The life and death stage originally existed to allow cultivators to resolve their grudges, so this kind of things happened to them not at all surprised.

It's just that the corpse must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, the impact on the cultivator will not be small.

Elder Xu nodded slightly, "Someone had already helped bury Chu Yingfei."

"If there is anything, come and report to me again!" Yu Linfeng slowly said, with an indifferent and elegant expression.

The reason why he learned about the situation from Elder Xu was because he wanted to know how Baili Hongzhuang performed in the Wind Canyon.

After all, Baili Hongzhuang is his disciple. He needed to know Baili Hongzhuang's mentality and degree of hard work.

Fortunately, this result made him very satisfied.

Whether it is Baili Hongzhuang's hard work while practicing, or her calmness in handling things, he appreciates it very much.

As Elder Xu left, Nangong Wu couldn't help looking at Yu Linfeng, with a smile on her face.

"This time you have very good luck at choosing disciples!"

When she first saw Baili Hongzhuang, Nangong Wu only felt that Baili Hongzhuang's appearance was very outstanding, She was afraid her strength would not be strong at all.

However, it now appears that Baili Hongzhuang is a person of both talents and impeccable looks.

"I simply passed the maiden level."

Yu Linfeng couldn't help but chuckled. He and Nangong Wu have been together for so long, and he knows Nangong Wu's character well.

If Nangong Wu is not satisfied, even the disciple he recruits, Nangong Wu will find a way to get her to leave.

Now it seems that all this is going very well.

"Linfeng, the assessment of this wind canyon is not simple. If there is no guidance, Baili Hongzhuang wants to successfully pass this assessment, I am afraid it will take a long time."

Nangong Wuliu frowned slightly, and since she knew Baili Hongzhuang's life experience, she felt a little more sympathetic and affectionate for Baili Hongzhuang.

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