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Chapter 1591: Crazy envy!

"30th place, Xia Zhiqing!"

"29th place, Bai Junyu!"

"28th place, Dongfang Yu!"

"Twenty-seventh, Gong Shaoqing!"

In the surprised eyes of the cultivators, the rankings of Xia Zhiqing and others sounded one after another.

The practitioners of the Tiangang Dynasty have always been loud in assessment competitions. On the one hand because of their strength, and on the other hand, because they are only practitioners of a medium-sized dynasty but can achieve such results.

Regardless of prejudice, everyone has to admit that the practitioners of the Tiangang Dynasty are really powerful.

How many mid-sized dynasty teams participated in the assessment contest?

However, there is no other team except the practitioners of the Tiangang Dynasty who can achieve such results!

This alone has proved their power because they can do what others can't.

"Tiangang dynasty practitioners are going to guard against the sky!"

"A medium-sized dynasty team has such strong points. The worst place is the 50th. It's really scary to pass this score out!"

"Yes, this means that all the practitioners of the Tiangang Dynasty are on the top of the 100 list!"

"In the history of the assessment competition, I'm afraid that this has not happened a few times, right?"

"Isn't it? Even a large dynasty team rarely has the entire team of cultivators climbed to the top 100 list. The cultivators of the Tiangang dynasty are going to be famous this time."

"I really envy Yuan Zhixin and Yuan Xiaoman, they only joined the team of the Tiangang dynasty later.

Why didn't I join the team? Otherwise, wouldn't my name be on the top 100 list now?"

All the cultivators are remorseful. The cultivators who were originally from the Tiangang Dynasty team do not envy them, but the cultivators who joined them halfway are the most enviable for them!

Who let them not have that good luck?

It's just that, before that, none of them knew that the practitioners of the Tiangang Dynasty were so perverted!

"It's strange to say, but why are the practitioners of the Tiangang Dynasty so tightly lined up? Do they have similar points?"

"The four people who were connected were the original practitioners of the Tiangang Dynasty. Maybe their points were evenly distributed?"

When a cultivator guessed this, all the cultivators were dumbfounded.

If this is the case, then the Tiangang Dynasty team is too domineering this day!

As everyone knows, even cultivators in the same team are always careless. As for the sharing of points, it's impossible to do it.

Because everyone is self-serving and will not do it.

However, the points situation of Xia Zhiqing and others clearly proves this point.

If it weren't for the points score, the results would not be so close.

For a time, everyone's envy of the cultivators of the Tiangang dynasty became even deeper.

Perhaps it is because they can't do it, that's why they are more envious.

"I don't know how is Baili Hongzhuang's performance?"

"Maybe Baili Hongzhuang is the 26th place!"

"Baili Hongzhuang's strength Is so powerful, I believe her ranking is more than twenty-sixth."

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