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Chapter 1791: Just Say Goodbye

In a short time, Baili Hongzhuang and others arrived at Tiangang Sect.

Xia Zhiqing and others have been to Tiangang Sect, and they are no strangers to the situation here.

It is obvious that Cheng Hefeng and others have come to Tiangang Sect for the first time, so they are full of curiosity and shock about everything in front of them.

They have already heard about the vastness and extraordinaryness of the martial art, but imagination is always imagination. Only when they see it with their own eyes will they know how magnificent this is.

"Look, those friends of Baili Hongzhuang have really become practitioners of our Tiangang Sect."

"They are also great enough, none of them were injured, all of them came back safely."

"Not only that, but they have achieved very good rankings, and they are really good-looking."

The cultivators of Tiangang Sect looked at Xia Zhiqing and others. Two years ago, they only thought that Xia Zhiqing and others would never come back alive after they left.

After all, they all understand the cruelty of the assessment contest. If the strength is not strong enough, there is only one dead end to participate.

They are not optimistic about the strength of the cultivators in Canglan Academy, because the gap is too big.

It's just that, now that they have returned safely, although everyone finds it difficult to accept, they still have a little more respect for them in their hearts.

At least, compared to the time when they came here completely relying on Baili Hongzhuang's relationship, they have now proven that they do have that strength.

For many cultivators, what they are most uncomfortable with is relying on relationships to gain the status that they have worked so long before.

Because this will give them a strong sense of imbalance in their hearts.

But if the opponent also has the same strength, then they will not be repelled as before.

The remarks of the surrounding cultivators were not missed by Xia Zhiqing and others. Compared to the remarks made two years ago, what they heard at this moment is undoubtedly much more pleasant.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at each other and smiled.

Sure enough, standing here with their own strength is a completely different experience.

"At this moment, these guys don't dare to laugh at us anymore."

Xia Zhiqing had a raised smile on her face, listening to the slander of other cultivators at the beginning, there is also a bit of resentment in her heart.

Fortunately, all of this has been solved now.

The charming arc drawn by Dongfang Yu's peachy eyes, "Why bother with other people's speeches and be yourself."

At this time, Di Beichen looked at Qiao Yingze and said, 'Second elder, please take them to the Conference Hall, the four main hall masters should already be waiting."

Hearing that, Qiao Yingze respectfully saluted, "Yes, then I will take them to the Chamber of Deputies now."

Di Beichen smiled and glanced at Baili Hongzhuang, "Choose the branch hall where you want to practice. I won't accompany you."

Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "I see."

Looking at Baili Hongzhuang's bright and moving smile, a bright light flashed in Di Beichen's eyes.

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