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Chapter 2341: Found, Baili Hongzhuang!

Everyone nodded. If the deviation is only a small angle each time, it is indeed difficult to find in this miasma.

"Let's take a break and think about a solution."

Since they have tried two laps, they haven't been able to find any problems, even if they don't believe it anymore. I am afraid that the same result will still be the same.

This magical forest is not easy. If you don't find a way to crack it, I'm afraid they will have to be trapped here.

The crowd sat on the ground one after another, forming a circle to guard against possible dangers at any time.

"I didn't find anything wrong with the journey just now, and the place where the miasma is located is relatively humid. There are footsteps wherever we walked, but when we walked back again, This footstep is gone, it's really weird!"

Li Yangbing's face is very ugly. He had paid attention to these details before. It was because he hadn't seen any footprints that he felt that they did not go wrong.

It's just, he didn't expect this to be wrong in the end.

Listening to Li Yangbing's words, everyone couldn't help but was taken aback. They hadn't paid attention to this.

At this moment, after Li Yangbing's reminder, everyone couldn't help but look towards the ground, but there are still footprints where they are now.

"This footprint hasn't disappeared naturally. Is it possible that something weird has been following us and erased all these things?"

Pei Yifan's eyes widened, He shuddered when he said this.

Everyone looked at each other. They didn't find anything approaching them along the way. If this is the case, it would be too scary.

Baili Hongzhuang's expression changed slightly. She had never noticed so many small details before. At this moment, after listening to what Li Yangbing and Pei Yifan said, she suddenly remembered something.

Suddenly, Baili Hongzhuang took out the pen and paper, scribbling and secretly calculating.

When everyone saw Baili Hongzhuang starting to write without saying a word, they were even more puzzled.

I wanted to hear what the Young Palace Master has to say, but what is the Young Palace Master doing now?

They were very puzzled, but everyone never disturbed Baili Hongzhuang. She must have found something when it came to the Young Palace Master.

The three beasts are surrounded by Baili Hongzhuang, watching Baili Hongzhuang write and draw, but they don't understand what she meant.

"What is the master doing?" The White Lion couldn't help but said.

Xiao Hei shook his head, spread his hands, and signaled that he didn't understand.

So far, they have only swayed two circles in this miasma forest, and they have not even encountered the attack of the monster beast, where can they find anything.

At this moment, Baili Hongzhuang was thinking back in her mind.

She remembers that there are some formations in the five elements gossip that can make the cultivator lose his way inadvertently.

Even though these cultivators are extremely powerful, they will still be affected in such an array.

If they cannot crack this formation, they will always be trapped in this formation and find no way out.

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