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Chapter 2051: Surprised, Mu Lingbing

As Lan Yunxiao's voice fell, Mu Lingbing couldn't help but look at Lan Yunxiao, "We have taken a lot of pills?"

Lan Yunxiao nodded, "Yixuan has almost given all the medicinal pills that are useful to us."

Mu Lingbing's eyes were filled with surprise. If she was her original self, taking some medicine pills was nothing at all.

However, they are different now.

Neither she nor Lan Yunxiao are the same as before. Baili Hongzhuang has relied on her own efforts to walk step by step to the present, how can they make their daughter pay such a high price?

"Yixuan, your father and I are dying, why are you wasting those pills on us?"

Mu Lingbing's eyes are filled with desolation. After so many years of torture, she knows about her own physical condition.

Even though she's a little stronger than before, the poison in her body cannot be eliminated.

Because there are too many.

Baili Hongzhuang has done so many things for them, which is a waste of resources.

Listening to Mu Lingbing's words, Baili Hongzhuang understood that she had the same idea as Lan Yunxiao, and immediately said, "Mother, don't worry.

Although your poison is very complicated, and it will take some time to detoxify, but I can definitely help you detoxify successfully."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Lingbing couldn't help but stared at Baili Hongzhuang incredibly.

"Few poisons developed by Yue Siqing can be cracked. Therefore, she seemed so terrible.

Yixuan, we all understand."

Listening to Mu Lingbing's words, Baili Hongzhuang understood that she didn't believe in her.

However, at her age, she is indeed not convincing.

However, she will use facts to prove to Mu Lingbing and Lan Yunxiao.

"Yue Siqing's medical skills are good, but my medical skills are equally good." Baili Hongzhuang smiled, "If it weren't for this, Yue Siqing would have solved my poison by now."

Seeing that Mu Lingbing didn't believe in Baili Hongzhuang's medical skills, the three beasts jumped out and said, "The master's medical skills are very powerful, and she has always been called a genius doctor!"

"That old fellow Yue Siqing is old, and she is not the master's opponent at all!"

Mu Lingbing looked at the three beasts. Before that, she only knew that the white lion was a contract beast with Hongzhuang, but she had no idea about the black and white fur balls.

It's just that these three monsters can speak, which is amazing.

"Yixuan, who are they?" Mu Lingbing couldn't help but asked out loud.

"They are my contract beasts." Baili Hongzhuang smiled.

Hearing that, Mu Lingbing was still confused, and asked uncertainly, "All three?"

Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly, "All three."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Lingbing and Lan Yunxiao looked at each other, their eyes filled with incomprehensible expressions.

Three contract beasts?

This is really unheard of.

"This has something to do with my practice." Baili Hongzhuang explained with a smile.

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