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Chapter 1596: Chapter 1, Baili Hongzhuang!

"First place, Baili Hongzhuang!"

When Gu Taihong said the name, his voice was obviously louder.

The first place on the 100 list has always been an extraordinary existence.

Most of the first places in the previous 100 list were men, and it was rare for women to get first place.

What's more, the name Baili Hongzhuang is very familiar!

Isn't this the young palace owner ordered by the palace lord?

Originally, he still wondered how the palace lord was looking for the young palace lord in the assessment contest, but he did not expect the young palace lord to be the first place in the assessment contest!

He had previously thought that the Young Palace Master's results should be good, but this first place still surprised him a lot.

Sure enough, the palace owner's vision has always been excellent!

Everyone didn't know that Gu Taihong raised his voice because he was too happy. They only thought that the weight of the first place was different and that he would have such a performance.

In the next moment, in the shocking eyes of everyone, a bright golden light appeared at the top of the 100 list. The font on this name is much larger than other ranked names.

This distinctive color becomes the most shining color at once, and it is impossible to ignore.

The eyes of the practitioners in the entire central square are focused on Baili Hongzhuang's body.

First place!

Baili Hongzhuang turned out to be the first!

Everyone has long known that the strength of the practitioners of the Tiangang Dynasty is not simple, but they never thought that Baili Hongzhuang can win first place. This result is amazing!

"Oh my god, Baili Hongzhuang will be the number one in the Tiangang Dynasty. This is a bit too amazing!"

"The Tiangang Dynasty is really going to be hot right now. With such a ranking, Baili Hongzhuang will not be the same in the future."

"Look, the eyes of the elders of all sects are all on Baili Hongzhuang. I am afraid that Baili Hongzhuang will become the competition targeted by the elders of the school."

The first place in the assessment contest, this gold content is far from other cultivators can compare.

The first place in each assessment contest is the object of the martial arts competition, and the ability to recruit the first place back is also beneficial to the martial arts.

Dark horse!

These two words have emerged in the hearts of many cultivators. The performance of Baili Hongzhuang and others can only be described by the two words – dark horse.

Hei Mu was also dumbfounded.

He never thought that the Young Master's wife would win first prize!

This result is really amazing!

Who would have thought that the young lord's wife would achieve such excellent results before the end of the assessment contest?

I'm afraid even the young master never thought of it, right?

A lot of joy emerged from Hei Mu's heart, and the great elder can no longer pick out any flaws at this moment!

The young lady not only proved her qualifications to enter the Tiangang Sect with her achievements, but also proved her extraordinary strength and talent!

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